Reputation: 16793
I am working on application where user could take a pic and put it into recyclerview networkImageview as follows. I am taking picture but this picture is not assigned to the networkImage.
The following line throws an exception
InputStream is = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri); No content provider: /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/JPEG_20160219_113457_-713510024.jpg
MainActivity Class
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == 100 && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
String path = ImageUtil.camPicturePath;
mCurrentItem = null;
mCurrentPosition = -1;
public void onBindViewHolder(final ListViewHolder holder, int position) {
PostProductImageLIst item = mItems.get(position);
ImageUtil.getInstance().setSelectedPic(holder.imgViewIcon, item.getPath());
public static String camPicturePath;
public static void captureImage(Activity activity) {
File photoFile = null;
Intent takePictureIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
// Ensure that there's a camera activity to handle the intent
if (takePictureIntent.resolveActivity(activity.getPackageManager()) != null) {
// Create the File where the photo should go
try {
photoFile = createImageFile();
} catch (IOException ex) {
// Error occurred while creating the File
// Continue only if the File was successfully created
if (photoFile != null) {
activity.startActivityForResult(takePictureIntent, 100);
camPicturePath = (photoFile != null) ? photoFile.getAbsolutePath() : null;
private LruCache<String, Bitmap> mMemoryCache;
public void setSelectedPic(CustomNetworkImageView view, String url) {
Context context = view.getContext();
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(url)) {
if (url.startsWith("http")) {
view.setImageUrl(url, CustomVolleyRequest.getInstance(context).getImageLoader());
} else {
try {
Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
Bitmap bitmap = mMemoryCache.get(url);
if (bitmap == null) {
InputStream is = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
Bitmap scaled = ImageUtil.getInstance().scaleBitmap(bitmap);
mMemoryCache.put(url, scaled);
if (is!=null) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Log.e("Image", ex.getMessage(), ex);
} else {
view.setImageUrl("", CustomVolleyRequest.getInstance(view.getContext()).getImageLoader());
public Bitmap scaleBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
int width = WIDTH;
int height = (WIDTH * bitmap.getHeight()) / bitmap.getWidth();
return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, width, height, false);
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2017
Reputation: 4147
You need to be careful when taking picture both from camera and gallery. First of all you need to properly handle Intent
for picking photo. Below I reported a possible implementation for building it.
If you need to both get photo from camera and gallery.
public Intent buildPicturePickerIntent(PackageManager packageManager) {
// Camera
final List<Intent> cameraIntents = new ArrayList<>();
final Intent captureIntent = new Intent(android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);
final List<ResolveInfo> listCam = packageManager.queryIntentActivities(captureIntent, 0);
for (ResolveInfo res : listCam) {
final String packageName = res.activityInfo.packageName;
final Intent intent = new Intent(captureIntent);
intent.setComponent(new ComponentName(res.activityInfo.packageName,;
// Filesystem
final Intent galleryIntent = new Intent();
// Chooser of filesystem options
final Intent chooserIntent = Intent.createChooser(galleryIntent, "Select Source");
// Add the camera options
cameraIntents.toArray(new Parcelable[cameraIntents.size()]));
// returning intent
return chooserIntent;
What is important is that implementation for onActivityResult
must handle photo taken from camera and photo taken from gallery in a different way. Below you can see sample code:
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
if (requestCode == PICK_IMAGE_CODE && resultCode == RESULT_OK) {
Uri uri = data.getData();
// photo from gallery?
if (uri != null) {
// yes, photo from gallery
String path = uri.toString();
// use path here
// ...
} else {
// no, photo from camera
Bitmap photo = (Bitmap) data.getExtras().get("data");
// store bitmap (eventually scaling it before)
// in filesystem here and get absolute path
// ...
// do your common work here (e.g. notify UI)
Be careful about two things in storing Bitmap on file system:
Here you can find sample code for picking image from gallery / camera and update recycler view item accordingly.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1311
it seems that you are passing uri instead of URL.
InputStream is = (InputStream) new URL(encodedurl).getContent();
Bitmap d = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
Android BitmapFactory.decodeStream(...) doesn't load HTTPS URL on emulator
File file = new File(url);
BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options();
o.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
Bitmap b= BitmapFactory.decodeStream(fis, null, o);
public void showCamera() {
Intent intent = new Intent("");
File photo = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),
Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + ".jpg");
intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, Uri.fromFile(photo));
imageUri = Uri.fromFile(photo);
startActivityForResult(intent, CAMERA_INTENT_CALLED);
if (requestCode == CAMERA_INTENT_CALLED) {
Uri selectedImage = imageUri;
try {
if (selectedImage != null) {
getContentResolver().notifyChange(selectedImage, null);
String path = getRealPathFromURI(selectedImage);
Log.e("Imagepath Camera", path);
imageUri = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("Camera", e.toString());
private String getRealPathFromURI(Uri contentURI) {
Cursor cursor = getContentResolver().query(contentURI, null, null,
null, null);
if (cursor == null) { // Source is Dropbox or other similar local file
// path
return contentURI.getPath();
} else {
int idx = cursor
return cursor.getString(idx);
Upvotes: 2