Reputation: 594
The first section of my site displays very poorly on a mobile device/when I size my browser window down.
I am using bootstrap and can't for the life of me figure out why this is happening.
Essentially: My h1 headline isn't scaling down, then my h2 subheadline is overlaying ontop of a greenpromobox div which itself is overlayed by the next row!
Live example: (resize the browser window to see the poor responsive layout).
HTML of badly styled section:
<div class="special">
<div class="jumbotron">
<div class="container text-center">
<div class="h1extrapadding hidden-xs hidden-sm"></div> <h1 class="boldme">Aged 20-30 & frustrated with money?</h1>
<div class="greenpromobox">
<div class="h2extrapadding hidden-xs hidden-sm"></div> <h2 class="boldme">Take our free <b class="jumpstarttext">Jumpstart Your Finances</b> class to<br /> quickly gain control over your finances</h2>
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<div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"><input type="text" name="b_9ccf2d2219536b32eaae3c3d1_299de51b4e" tabindex="-1" value=""></div>
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<div class="container-fluid bg-3 text-center">
<h3 class="h3big">What do you need help with?</h3><br>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-4">
<img src="" alt="button-1">
<div class="box-content">
<p class="alltextbig text-uppercase"><b>Living</b> paycheque to paycheque?</p>
<figure><img src="" alt="saving money image" title="Saving money" class="tripleimage">
<figcaption>Lesson 1 - Learn how to stop the pay cheque to pay cheque cycle.</figcaption>
<input type="submit" value="Start Class Now" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="text-uppercase btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-middle" style="margin-top: 9%">
<div class="col-sm-4 columnBorder">
<img src="" alt="button-1">
<div class="box-content column-border">
<p class="alltextbig text-uppercase"><b>Saving</b> to buy a home?</p>
<img src="" alt="Buying a house" title="Saving to buy a house" class="tripleimage"><figcaption>
Lesson 2 - Tips to rapidly save for your future home.
<input type="submit" value="Start Class Now" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="text-uppercase btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-middle" style="margin-top: 9%">
<div class="col-sm-4">
<img src="" alt="button-1">
<div class="box-content">
<p class="alltextbig text-uppercase"><b>Going</b> travelling?</p>
<img src="" alt="Travelling" title="Travelling" class="tripleimage">
<figcaption>Lesson 3 - How I personally travelled for 13 months with only £2,000 (yes I had a roof over my head every night!).
<input type="submit" value="Start Class Now" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="text-uppercase btn btn-primary btn-lg btn-middle">
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1856
Reputation: 1083
I don't know if this would help in your case, but I've had a similar issue with bootstrap v5.3.1 two successive rows overlaps
Code not working
<div class="row">
<h1> content </h1>
<div class="row">
<p> whatever </p>
I rapped up the second row inside of another div i,e parent and it worked
<div class="row">
<h1> content </h1></div>
<div class="parent>
<div class="row">
<p> whatever </p>
I have no idea if that's really the issue and you just can't have two row div successively or not, but I hope it helps
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 4113
You need to put max-width: 100%;
on your images. That'll stop the overlap, but still remain responsive on larger screen sizes.
I would also move your borders off of .column-border
and onto .columnBorder
. It'll space better that way.
img {
max-width: 100%;
.columnBorder {
border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
 border-right: 1px solid #ccc;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2238
Please update this class . your overlapping issue will be fixed
.special, .special .jumbotron {
height: auto;
overflow: hidden;
width: 100%;
Upvotes: 1