Reputation: 21206
I want to run a gulp task that MUST start after my http server is online on port 55555.
Thus I manually start my IIS Express debugging via F5 in Visual Studion then I start my 'watch' task runner.
I would like to have this in One step automated.
I am using VS 2015 Pro with core/vnext project.
gulp.task('watch', function () {
proxy: 'localhost:55555',
notify: true,
open: true,
logLevel: 'debug',
});"./wwwroot/app/**/*.js", function (event, file) {
gutil.log('Event: ' + event);
if (event === "change") {
Hooking the watch task in the after-build event of the task runner does not help because the iis express is started as last when the build is done and the watch task is run :/
One solution could be running my app locally on Full IIS thus port 55555 is always online, but the iis express is handy for development ;-)
Upvotes: 4
Views: 755
Visual Studio have built in solution to run grunt gulp using binding event
As you can see we have Before build, After Build, Clean, Project Open
Example I have Gruntfile.js and it will run after the build of mine solution
/// <binding AfterBuild='cleanup' />
module.exports = function(grunt) {
clean: ["./Modules/*"],
copy: {
main: {
expand: true,
src: [
dest: "./Modules/"
css: {
expand: true,
cwd: "../Modules/AwesomeCMSCore.Modules.Frontend/wwwroot/dist",
src: ["cmscore.css"],
dest: "./wwwroot/dist/"
js: {
expand: true,
cwd: "../Modules/AwesomeCMSCore.Modules.Frontend/wwwroot/dist",
src: ["*.js"],
dest: "./wwwroot/dist/"
static: {
expand: true,
cwd: "../Modules/AwesomeCMSCore.Modules.Frontend/wwwroot/dist",
src: ["**"],
dest: "./wwwroot/dist/"
watch: {
css: {
files: ["../Modules/**/wwwroot/dist/*.css"],
tasks: ["copy:css"],
options: {
reload: true,
spawn: false
js: {
files: ["../Modules/**/wwwroot/dist/*.js"],
tasks: ["copy:js"],
options: {
reload: true,
spawn: false
grunt.registerTask("default", ["watch"]);
grunt.registerTask("cleanup", [
Upvotes: 1