Reputation: 555
func ramElment<X, T: CollectionType >(list: T) -> X {
let len = UInt32(list.count)
let element = arc4random_uniform(len)
return list[element]
it pops up:
error: cannot invoke initializer for type UInt32
with an argument list of type '(T.Index.Distance
let len = UInt32(list.count)
I have checked the T.Index.Distance
is Int type. but why can't i change the type to UInt32
Upvotes: 1
Views: 418
Reputation: 5452
This is the simplest example what you want.
extension CollectionType where Index.Distance == Int {
func randomElement() -> Self.Generator.Element {
let randomIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(count)))
return self[startIndex.advancedBy(randomIndex)]
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 539795
The Index
of a CollectionType
a ForwardIndexType
public protocol ForwardIndexType : _Incrementable {
// ...
typealias Distance : _SignedIntegerType = Int
// ...
This means that the associated type Distance
must conform to _SignedIntegerType
, and (by default) is Int
unless declared (or inferred)
Example: The following is a valid type conforming to ForwardIndexType
with Distance == Int16
struct MyIndex : ForwardIndexType {
var value : Int16
func advancedBy(n: Int16) -> MyIndex {
return MyIndex(value: value + n)
func distanceTo(end: MyIndex) -> Int16 {
return end.value - value
func successor() -> MyIndex {
return MyIndex(value: value + 1)
func ==(lhs : MyIndex, rhs : MyIndex) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
And here is a (for demonstration purposes, otherwise pretty useless)
type conforming to CollectionType
with Index == MyIndex
Index.Distance == Int16
struct MyCollectionType : CollectionType {
var startIndex : MyIndex { return MyIndex(value: 0) }
var endIndex : MyIndex { return MyIndex(value: 3) }
subscript(position : MyIndex) -> String {
return "I am element #\(position.value)"
let coll = MyCollectionType()
for elem in coll {
I am element #0
I am element #1
I am element #2
But we can also define a forward index type without declaring
any Distance
type, and using the default protocol implementations
for advancedBy()
and distanceTo()
struct MyOtherIndex : ForwardIndexType {
var value : Int16
func successor() -> MyOtherIndex {
return MyOtherIndex(value: value + 1)
func ==(lhs : MyOtherIndex, rhs : MyOtherIndex) -> Bool {
return lhs.value == rhs.value
Now MyOtherIndex.Distance == Int
because that is the default type
as defined in ForwardIndexType
So how does this apply to your function?
You cannot assume that
is Int
for an arbitrary collection.
You can restrict the function to collection types with
Index.Distance == Int
func randomElement<T: CollectionType where T.Index.Distance == Int>(list: T)
But you can also utilize that _SignedIntegerType
can be converted to and from IntMax
func randomElement<T: CollectionType>(list: T) -> T.Generator.Element {
let len = UInt32(list.count.toIntMax())
let element = IntMax(arc4random_uniform(len))
return list[list.startIndex.advancedBy(T.Index.Distance(element))]
Note also that the return type is determined as T.Generator.Element
and cannot be an arbitrary generic type X
This function works with arbitrary collections, for example Array
, ArraySlice
, or String.CharacterView
let array = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]
let elem1 = randomElement([1, 2, 3])
let slice = array[2 ... 3]
let elem2 = randomElement(slice)
let randomChar = randomElement("abc".characters)
but also with the above custom collection type:
let mc = MyCollectionType()
let r = randomElement(mc)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 59506
In the title of your question you talk about Array
. But in your code you are declaring the input param as a CollectionType
If you really want to receive a Generic Array param then this is the code
func randomElement<T>(list: [T]) -> T {
let len = UInt32(list.count)
let random = Int(arc4random_uniform(len))
return list[random]
Upvotes: 2