I have built a simple directive with a link function and a controller.
I need to access a property set in the scope in the controller but it keeps saying undefined.
The directive:
app.directive('calendarSelectFilter', ['$log', 'eventService', function( $log, eventService ) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: {
startingValue: '=',
selected: "=value",
filterType: '='
controller: function( $scope ){
var options =[];
console.log($scope); //LOG ONE
console.log($scope.filterType); //LOG TWO
switch( $scope.filterType ){
case 'environment':{
console.log( 'fetching envOptions' );
options = eventService.getSchemaLabelsAsArray('envOptions');
} break;
case 'event-type':{
options = eventService.getSchemaLabelsAsArray('eventNames');
} break;
$scope.options = options;
link: function( scope, element, attrs ){
if( !attrs.filterType ){
$log.error( 'No filterType passed to the calendarSelectFilter directive' );
scope.filterType = attrs.filterType;
scope.selected = scope.startingValue;
template: '<select ng-model="selected" ng-options="option for option in options">{{option}}</select>'
This is a use example of the directive:
<calendar-select-filter value="filter_options.environment" filter-type="environment"></calendar-select-filter>
In the controller i have two console.log.
Console log one prints:
k {$id: "007", $$childTail: null, $$childHead: null, $$prevSibling: null, $$nextSibling: null…}
$$asyncQueue: Array[0]
$$childHead: null
$$childTail: null
$$destroyed: false
$$isolateBindings: Object
$$listenerCount: Object
$$listeners: Object
$$nextSibling: a.$$childScopeClass.$$childScopeClass
$$phase: null
$$postDigestQueue: Array[0]
$$prevSibling: null
$$watchers: Array[6]
$id: "007"
$parent: a.$$childScopeClass.$$childScopeClass
$root: k
filterType: "environment"
options: Array[0]
selected: undefined
startingValue: undefined
this: k
__proto__: k
But then console two prints:
I need to access the "filterType" in the directives controller, but how?
I can see that the scope has everything nested inside something called k, but when i console log $scope.k i also get undefined ?!
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Your controller function executes before your link function.
You don't have a default value for filterType like you do for options.
The fitlesType value isn't defined until the link function runs. Why not provide a default value in your controller function?
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