Reputation: 776
Here is an example of how to generate CREATE statement from pgAdminIII. But is there a way to generate this programmatically in plpgsql? What I mean is, is there a convenient function that generates this for me?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 81
Reputation: 159
This query will create the statements to create the current primary key and foreign key constraints:
'ALTER TABLE '||schema_from.nspname||'.'||table_from.relname||'
ADD CONSTRAINT "'||const.conname||'" '||
pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef (const.oid, true)||';' as add_constraint
FROM pg_constraint const
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace schema_from ON (const.connamespace = schema_from.oid)
LEFT JOIN pg_class table_from ON (const.conrelid = table_from.oid)
WHERE const.contype in ('f','p') --foreign key, primary key
Upvotes: 2