Reputation: 530
I'm trying to create a very simple DSL that takes a string formatted like
GET /endpoint controller.action1 |> controller.action2
And turn it to something along the lines of
{"GET", "/endpoint", [{controller.action1}, {controller.action2}]}
My Leex file is this:
GET|PUT|POST|DELETE|PATCH : {token, {method, TokenLine, TokenChars}}.
/[A-Za-z_]+ : {token, {endpoint, TokenLine, TokenChars}}.
[A-Za-z0-9_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9_]+ : {token, {function, TokenLine, splitControllerAction(TokenChars)}}.
\|\> : {token, {pipe, TokenLine}}.
[\s\t\n\r]+ : skip_token.
Erlang code.
splitControllerAction(A) ->
[Controller, Action] = string:tokens(A, "."),
{list_to_atom(Controller), list_to_atom(Action)}.
And my Yecc file looks like this:
Nonterminals route actionlist elem.
Terminals function endpoint method pipe.
Rootsymbol route.
route -> method endpoint actionlist : {$1, $2, $3}.
actionlist -> elem : [$1].
actionlist -> elem 'pipe' actionlist : [$1 | $3].
elem -> function : $1.
Erlang code.
extract_token({_Token, _Line, Value}) -> _Token;
The output I'm getting with this:
2> {ok, Fart, _} = blah:string("GET /asdfdsf dasfadsf.adsfasdf |> adsfsdf.adsfdf").
3> blah_parser:parse(Fart).
Upvotes: 1
Views: 181
Reputation: 530
Turns out you need to surround $1
with single-quotes, otherwise it just tries and be the ASCII value.
-Thomas Gebert.
Upvotes: 1