Reputation: 535
I started to use ASP.NET 5 (vNext) and now I'm trying to unit test a controller that uses UserManager to register and login users.
I'm using xUnit and moq.netcore.
In my UnitTest I have:
var mockStore = new Mock<IUserStore<ApplicationUser>>(MockBehavior.Strict).As<IUserPasswordStore<ApplicationUser>>();
mockStore.Setup(x => x.CreateAsync(It.IsAny<ApplicationUser>(), CancellationToken.None)).Returns(Task.FromResult(new IdentityResult()));
var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(mockStore.Object, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
And the code in the controller:
var result = await _securityManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);
But, when I run the unit test I get a null exception, when calling CreateAsync.
I don't understand why I can't Mock the CreateAsync method with ApplicationUser and string parameters, and I have to mock it with the CancellationToken.
It's my first project using ASP.NET 5, I was using ASP.NET 4.6 before, so a lot of things are different now.
And, do you think I should already develop an important project in ASP.NET 5 or should I wait and develop it for ASP.NET 4.6?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 3457
Reputation: 535
After trying a lot of things I came up with a working solution.
I created a FakeUserManager class that inherits UserManager and overrides CreateAsync method.
public class FakeUserManager : UserManager<ApplicationUser>
public FakeUserManager()
: base(new Mock<IUserStore<ApplicationUser>>().Object,
new Mock<IOptions<IdentityOptions>>().Object,
new Mock<IPasswordHasher<ApplicationUser>>().Object,
new IUserValidator<ApplicationUser>[0],
new IPasswordValidator<ApplicationUser>[0],
new Mock<ILookupNormalizer>().Object,
new Mock<IdentityErrorDescriber>().Object,
new Mock<IServiceProvider>().Object,
new Mock<ILogger<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>>().Object,
new Mock<IHttpContextAccessor>().Object)
{ }
public override Task<IdentityResult> CreateAsync(ApplicationUser user, string password)
return Task.FromResult(IdentityResult.Success);
Then I passed a new instance of FakeUserManager to AccountController constructor and it works fine.
And for those that may need to mock SignInManager I did it the following way:
I created a FakeSignInManager class that inherits SignInManager and overrides the methods I need.
public class FakeSignInManager : SignInManager<ApplicationUser>
public FakeSignInManager(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
: base(new FakeUserManager(),
new Mock<IUserClaimsPrincipalFactory<ApplicationUser>>().Object,
new Mock<IOptions<IdentityOptions>>().Object,
new Mock<ILogger<SignInManager<ApplicationUser>>>().Object)
public override Task SignInAsync(ApplicationUser user, bool isPersistent, string authenticationMethod = null)
return Task.FromResult(0);
public override Task<SignInResult> PasswordSignInAsync(string userName, string password, bool isPersistent, bool lockoutOnFailure)
return Task.FromResult(SignInResult.Success);
public override Task SignOutAsync()
return Task.FromResult(0);
And since SignInManager need a context accessor to work I made FakeSignInManager receive it in the constructor.
Then, before creating a new instance of SignInManager I prepare a new HttpContextAccessor the following way:
var context = new Mock<HttpContext>();
var contextAccessor = new Mock<IHttpContextAccessor>();
contextAccessor.Setup(x => x.HttpContext).Returns(context.Object);
And then create the new FakeSignInManager instance:
new FakeSignInManager(contextAccessor.Object);
Upvotes: 10