Reputation: 79
I have to implement set union, difference and intersection. However when insert extremely nested sets with tuples it gives me the wrong answer. I have included the code snippet for the functions. Any suggestion I could do to improve my output?
val x17 = {1, 2, 8};
val x18 = {{1, 2, 8}, (1, {1, 2, 8})};
val x19 = ({{1, 2, 8}, (1, {1, 2, 8})}, {1, 2, 8});
example operations:
x20 = {x19} Union x18;
x21 = x20 \ {x17};
x22 = x20 intersection {x17};
correct answer:
x20 ={{1, 2, 8}, (1, {1, 2, 8}), ({{1, 2, 8}, (1, {1, 2, 8})}, {1, 2, 8})};
x21 ={(1, {1, 2, 8}), ({{1, 2, 8}, (1, {1, 2, 8})}, {1, 2, 8})};
x22 ={{1, 2, 8}};
my output:
let x20 be {{1,2,8},(1,{1,2,8})};
let x21 be {(1,{1,2,8})};
let x22 be {{1,2,8}};
datatype expression = SET of expression list | INT of int
fun interFunc (SET [],SET b,interSet) = SET (rev interSet)
| interFunc (SET a,SET [],interSet) = SET (rev interSet)
| interFunc (SET (h1::t1),SET b,interSet) = if (List.exists (fn x=>x=h1) b) then interFunc(SET t1,SET b,h1::interSet) else interFunc(SET t1,SET b,interSet);
fun garbage [] = []
| garbage (h::t) = if (List.exists (fn x=>x=h) t) then h::(garbage t) else (garbage t);
fun unionFunc (SET [],SET b) = SET (b)
| unionFunc (SET a,SET []) = SET (a)
| unionFunc (SET a,SET b) = SET (garbage a@b);
(* set operation: difference, modified interFunc *)
fun diffFunc (SET [],SET b,diffSet) = SET (rev diffSet)
| diffFunc (a,SET [],diffSet) = SET (rev diffSet)
| diffFunc (SET (h1::t1),SET b,diffSet) = if (List.exists (fn x=>x=h1) b) then diffFunc(SET t1,SET b,diffSet) else diffFunc(SET t1,SET b,h1::diffSet);
Upvotes: 1
Views: 988
Reputation: 183351
Offhand, I see a few bugs:
garbage (h::t) = if (List.exists (fn x=>x=h) t) then h::(garbage t) else (garbage t)
It looks like garbage
is intended to remove duplicates by selecting the last occurrence of each value; for example, given [1,2,3,2,1,2]
, it should return [3,1,2]
. However, what it actually does is discard the last occurrence of each value, so it would give [1,2,2]
diffFunc (SET (h1::t1),SET b,diffSet) = if (List.exists (fn x=>x=h1) b) then diffFunc(SET t1,SET b,diffSet) else diffFunc(SET t1,SET b,h1::diffSet);
If h1
occurs in b
, then you need to do something to filter that out of b
. The above doesn't do that, so in essence it produces the union rather than the symmetric difference.
Overall, I recommend reading Eric Lippert's blog post "How to debug small programs" for general advice on debugging your program.
Upvotes: 2