Reputation: 1898
I have this array that has emo symbols and associated image files for each emo path.
Working demo of my code on JSFIDDLE
But using this code, only :) this emo returns the correct smile.png image but rest of the emo are not working.
How do I write the correct regex that match each of these symbols and choose the appropriate file for each emo ?
//Replace Emo with images
function replaceEmoticons(text) {
var emoticons = {
':)' : 'smile.png',
': )' : 'smile.png',
':D' : 'laugh.png',
':->' : 'laugh.png',
':d' : 'laugh-sm.png',
':-)': 'smile-simple.png',
':p': 'tounge.png',
':P': 'tounge-lg.png',
': P': 'tng1.png',
'>-)': 'evil.png',
':(': 'sad.png',
':-(': 'sadd.png',
':-<': 'sadd.png',
':-O': 'surprise.png',
':O': 'sur2.png',
':o': 'sur3.png',
':-o': 'sur3.png',
':-*': 'kiss.png',
':*': 'kiss.png',
':-@': 'angry.png',
':@': 'angry.png',
':$': 'con2.png',
':-$': 'con1.png',
'O.o': 'con2.png',
'o.O': 'con2.png',
':/': 'weird.png',
':x': 'x.png',
':X': 'x.png',
':!': 's.png',
'(:I': 'egg.png',
'^.^': 'kit.png',
'^_^': 'kit.png',
';)': 'wink.png',
';-)': 'wink.png',
":')": 'hc.png',
":'(": 'cry.png',
"|-O": 'yawn.png',
"-_-": 'poke.png',
":|": 'p1.png',
"$_$": 'he.png'
}, url = "images/emo/";
// a simple regex to match the characters used in the emoticons
return text.replace(/[:\-)D]+/g, function (match) {
return typeof emoticons[match] != 'undefined' ?
'<img class="emo" src="'+url+emoticons[match]+'"/>' :
replaceEmoticons("Hi this is a test string :) with all :P emos working :D");
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1071
Reputation: 95375
This regex:
Does not match many of the emoticons in your list. Any character other than :
, \
, -
, )
,or D
will prevent it from being recognized.
If you have a list of strings you want to match, you can easily build a regex to match any of them (and nothing else) by escaping each one and joining them together with |
. Something like this:
// given a string, return the source for a regular expression that will
// match only that exact string, by escaping any regex metacharacters
// contained within.
RegExp.escape = function(text) {
return text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
// build a regex that will match all the emoticons. Written out, it looks
// like this: /:\)|: \)|:D|:->|:d|:-\)|:p|:P|..../g
var emoticonRegex =
new RegExp(Object.keys(emoticons).map(RegExp.escape).join('|'), 'g');
Then use that in place of your literal regex:
return text.replace(emoticonRegex, function (match) { ...
Upvotes: 2