Reputation: 21510
I'm creating a mesh programmatically in Unity3D. Each section of the mesh is setup with 4 verts:
// 1 ----- 2
// | a / |
// | / b |
// 3 ----- 4
My UVs are:
1 = 0, 1
2 = 0.125, 1
3 = 0, 0.875
4 = 0.125, 0.875
My texture is 2048x2048. The tile is in the top left of the image and is 256x256 in size. I've updated the texture a bit with some additional tiles to better give an idea of what I'm trying to do.
Im getting white edges around each tile on the mesh.
I'm importing the image with the following settings.
The code the generate the mesh (manual normals):
IEnumerator BuildMesh (int width, int height, float tileSize) {
float halfSize = tileSize / 2f;
List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3> ();
List<Vector3> normals = new List<Vector3> ();
List<Vector2> uv = new List<Vector2> ();
List<int> triangles = new List<int> ();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int tileVertIdx = vertices.Count;
float h = map.GetHeight(startX + x, startY + y);
float n = map.GetHeight(startX + x, startY + y - 1);
float s = map.GetHeight(startX + x, startY + y + 1);
float e = map.GetHeight(startX + x + 1, startY + y);
float w = map.GetHeight(startX + x - 1, startY + y);
float ne = map.GetHeight(startX + x + 1, startY + y - 1);
float nw = map.GetHeight(startX + x - 1, startY + y - 1);
float se = map.GetHeight(startX + x + 1, startY + y + 1);
float sw = map.GetHeight(startX + x - 1, startY + y + 1);
Vector3 tileCenter = new Vector3 (x * tileSize, h, y * tileSize);
Rect topUV = map.GetTopUV ((int)h);
if (n == h && s == h && e == h && w == h && ne == h && nw == h && se == h && sw == h) {
// Each tile
// 1 ----- 2
// | a / |
// | / b |
// 3 ----- 4
// top row
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
// bottom row
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x, topUV.y));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - topUV.width, topUV.y));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x, topUV.y - topUV.height));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - topUV.width, topUV.y - topUV.height));
// a
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 0);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 2);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 1);
// b
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 1);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 2);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 3);
} else {
// Each tile
// 1 - 2 - 3 14 --- 16
// |a\b|c/d\ | k / |
// 4 - 5 - 6 | / |
// |e/f|g\h| | / l |
// 7 - 8 - 9 15 --- 17
// 10 --- 11
// | i / j |
// 12 --- 13
// top row
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
// middle row
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z));
// bottom row
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
// bottom square
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, h, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, h, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, s, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, s, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
// right square
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, h, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, h, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, e, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, e, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
normals.Add (Vector3.up);
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x, topUV.y));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - (topUV.width / 2), topUV.y));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - topUV.width, topUV.y));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x, topUV.y - (topUV.height / 2)));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - (topUV.width / 2), topUV.y - (topUV.height / 2)));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - topUV.width, topUV.y - (topUV.height / 2)));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x, topUV.y - topUV.height));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - (topUV.width / 2), topUV.y - topUV.height));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - topUV.width, topUV.y - topUV.height));
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
// a
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 0);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 3);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
// b
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 0);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 1);
// c
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 1);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 2);
// d
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 2);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 5);
// e
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 3);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 6);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
// f
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 6);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 7);
// g
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 7);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 8);
// h
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 8);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 5);
// i
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 9);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 11);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 10);
// j
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 10);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 11);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 12);
// k
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 13);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 15);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 14);
// l
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 15);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 16);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 14);
yield return null;
Mesh mesh = _meshFilter.mesh;
mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray ();
mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray ();
mesh.normals = normals.ToArray ();
mesh.uv = uv.ToArray ();
// mesh.RecalculateNormals ();
// mesh.Optimize ();
map.ChunkFinished ();
The code to generate the mesh (auto normals):
IEnumerator BuildMesh (int width, int height, float tileSize) {
float halfSize = tileSize / 2f;
List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3> ();
List<Vector3> normals = new List<Vector3> ();
List<Vector2> uv = new List<Vector2> ();
List<int> triangles = new List<int> ();
for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int tileVertIdx = vertices.Count;
float h = map.GetHeight(startX + x, startY + y);
float n = map.GetHeight(startX + x, startY + y - 1);
float s = map.GetHeight(startX + x, startY + y + 1);
float e = map.GetHeight(startX + x + 1, startY + y);
float w = map.GetHeight(startX + x - 1, startY + y);
float ne = map.GetHeight(startX + x + 1, startY + y - 1);
float nw = map.GetHeight(startX + x - 1, startY + y - 1);
float se = map.GetHeight(startX + x + 1, startY + y + 1);
float sw = map.GetHeight(startX + x - 1, startY + y + 1);
Vector3 tileCenter = new Vector3 (x * tileSize, h, y * tileSize);
Rect topUV = map.GetTopUV ((int)h);
if (n == h && s == h && e == h && w == h && ne == h && nw == h && se == h && sw == h) {
// Each tile
// 1 ----- 2
// | a / |
// | / b |
// 3 ----- 4
// top row
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
// bottom row
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x, topUV.y));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - topUV.width, topUV.y));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x, topUV.y - topUV.height));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - topUV.width, topUV.y - topUV.height));
// a
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 0);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 2);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 1);
// b
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 1);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 2);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 3);
} else {
// Each tile
// 1 - 2 - 3 14 --- 16
// |a\b|c/d\ | k / |
// 4 - 5 - 6 | / |
// |e/f|g\h| | / l |
// 7 - 8 - 9 15 --- 17
// 10 --- 11
// | i / j |
// 12 --- 13
// top row
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
// middle row
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z));
// bottom row
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, tileCenter.y, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
// bottom square
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, h, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, h, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x - halfSize, s, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, s, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
// right square
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, h, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, h, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, e, tileCenter.z + halfSize));
vertices.Add (new Vector3 (tileCenter.x + halfSize, e, tileCenter.z - halfSize));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x, topUV.y));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - (topUV.width / 2), topUV.y));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - topUV.width, topUV.y));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x, topUV.y - (topUV.height / 2)));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - (topUV.width / 2), topUV.y - (topUV.height / 2)));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - topUV.width, topUV.y - (topUV.height / 2)));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x, topUV.y - topUV.height));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - (topUV.width / 2), topUV.y - topUV.height));
uv.Add (new Vector2(topUV.x - topUV.width, topUV.y - topUV.height));
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
uv.Add (Vector2.up);
// a
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 0);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 3);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
// b
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 0);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 1);
// c
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 1);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 2);
// d
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 2);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 5);
// e
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 3);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 6);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
// f
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 6);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 7);
// g
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 7);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 8);
// h
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 4);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 8);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 5);
// i
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 9);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 11);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 10);
// j
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 10);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 11);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 12);
// k
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 13);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 15);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 14);
// l
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 15);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 16);
triangles.Add (tileVertIdx + 14);
yield return null;
Mesh mesh = _meshFilter.mesh;
mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray ();
mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray ();
mesh.uv = uv.ToArray ();
mesh.RecalculateNormals ();
mesh.Optimize ();
map.ChunkFinished ();
Both versions of the code produce the same issue.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1183
Reputation: 71
i have the similar problem no filter (point) is not realy no filter there is a nearest neighbour unity builtin filter behind no filter
for resolve your issue you must split your texture into 4 splited textures by this way create 4 new texture2D() store all pixels of orginal texture into an 2D array by get pixel method and create 4 new texture and use use 4 for loop to get quarter of orginal texture pixels and set the pixels to one of destination textures
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3639
Try setting the format to Truecolor. It might be that due to the compression the borders between the different textures are not sharp anymore but blurred, causing them to bleed into each other.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 12582
Dude are your normals ok?
They should all be pointing straight up for this jobbie right?
If you're using some default normal calculation, could it be they're trying to gently wrap the edge thinking it's a cube?
Upvotes: 1