Reputation: 59
I would like to know which is the best way to define a partial recursive function in Coq.
Suppose that I want to define a function that returns the maximum element of a list of natural numbers. However, we want this function to be defined only for non-empty lists.
I've been trying the following:
Fixpoint MaxValueList (l : list nat | l <> []) : nat :=
match l with
|[n] => n
|n::l' => (max n (MaxValueList l'))
However, this is not going to work since ::
is a constructor for list and not for {l : list nat | l <> []}
My other attempt was using option
. In this case I tried the following:
Fixpoint MaxValueList (l : list nat | l <> []) : option nat :=
match l with
|[] => None
|[n] => n
|n::l' => (max n (MaxValueList l'))
This did not work either since max : nat -> nat -> nat
and MaxValueList l' : option nat
Upvotes: 1
Views: 783
Reputation: 23622
Here's a possible solution to your problem:
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Definition MaxValueListAux (n : nat) (l : list nat) : nat :=
fold_left max l n.
Definition MaxValueListNE (l : list nat) : l <> [] -> nat :=
match l with
| [] => fun H => match H eq_refl with end
| n :: l' => fun _ => MaxValueListAux n l'
Here, I've split the original MaxValueList
into two parts: a MaxValueListAux
function that computes the greatest element of a list given a default value, and MaxValueListNE
, which is a wrapper to the first function and takes a proof argument. This second function merely discharges the impossible case and calls the first one with the appropriate arguments; I'll explain how exactly this works shortly. Because of this split, we don't run into the issue of constructing a proof argument in the nonempty branch of MaxValueListNE
; the only proof work that we have to do is to get rid of the empty case.
Notice that the second function is written in a weird way: instead of declaring l <> []
as another argument to MaxValueListNE
, I've put it in the return type of that function. This is because of the way dependent pattern matching works in Coq; roughly speaking, whenever you need to combine information that you obtain on a match
(such as the fact that the l
is empty on the []
branch) with information that comes from "outside" the match (such as the proof of l <> []
), you need to make your match
statement return a function. This leads to a trick that Adam Chlipala calls the convoy pattern, which you can learn more about here. Putting that argument as part of the return type allows Coq to infer type annotations that are required by the match
So, how exactly does MaxValueListNE
work? To understand this, we must talk a little bit about how dependent pattern matching works in Coq. As I mentioned earlier, we wrote this function in this particular way so that Coq could infer some missing type annotations. But we can add those by hand as well:
Definition MaxValueListNE (l : list nat) : l <> [] -> nat :=
match l return l <> [] -> nat with
| [] => fun (H : [] <> []) => match H eq_refl with end
| n :: l' => fun (_ : n :: l' <> []) => MaxValueListAux n l'
When Coq reads this definition, it tries to type check the function, and, in particular, make sure that every branch of the match
returns an element of the type it promises to return. But when doing so, it is allowed to replace every occurrence of the discriminee (in this case, l
) by whatever value corresponds to that branch. In the first branch above, this means replacing l
by []
, which in turn implies that the returned function takes an argument of type [] <> []
. Recall that in Coq, [] <> []
is the same thing as [] = [] -> False
. Since False
has no constructors, we can get rid of that contradictory branch by pattern-matching on H eq_refl
, where eq_refl
is the only constructor of the equality type, and is taken to have type [] = []
in that particular case.
Now, it is worth noting that adding more type information is not necessarily good. In the case of your function, I prefer to omit the proof argument and write simply Definition MaxValueList l := fold_left max l 0
. Note that 0 is a neutral element for max
, thus it makes sense to return that value on the empty case. It allows us for instance to prove a result like
forall l1 l2, MaxValueList (l1 ++ l2) = max (MaxValueList l1) (MaxValueList l2)
Of course, this doesn't work for every case: if we replaced max
by min
, the above theorem wouldn't hold anymore. Still, I think it would still be easier to program with and reason about a MinValueList
function that works for arbitrary lists: if some result about that function only works for nonempty elements, we can add those hypotheses to our theorem:
forall l1 l2, l1 <> [] ->
MinValueList (l1 ++ l2) = min (MinValueList l1) (MinValueList l2).
This is how people usually define division in Coq. Instead of having a partial function div : forall (n1 n2 : nat), n2 <> 0 -> nat
, we write instead a total function div : nat -> nat -> nat
, and prove theorems about that function assuming that its second argument is not zero.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 5811
The convoy pattern is a must to understand, but some of its reasoning can be avoided by using Program
. Program
also lets you write more normal looking programs. I haven't really used it so I'll take this chance to try it.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Coq.Program.Wf.
From false you can derive a value of any type that you need. Useful in impossible branches in a match statement.
Definition IMPOSSIBLE {T} (f:False):T := match f with end.
Program Fixpoint maxval (l:list nat) (H:l<>nil) {measure (length l)} : nat :=
match l with
| [] => IMPOSSIBLE _
| [a] => a
| a::b::l' => max a (maxval (b::l') _)
EDIT: As eponier
points out, if we include Require Import Arith.
before we define maxval, we will be done here. Otherwise we will have to prove the remaining obligations, like this: (END EDIT)
Next Obligation.
Now we only have to prove that the recursion terminates. The goal is
(MR lt (fun recarg : {l : list nat & l <> []} => length (projT1 recarg)))
EDIT: eponier
points out that this is easily proved by apply measure_wf, PeanoNat.Nat.lt_wf_0.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3218
One alternative is to use refine
tactic to construct functions using a theorem proving like style.
Whenever I need to construct terms with proofs (like your function) I prefer to use definitions and refine tactic, since it provides a more clear and easy way to automate proofs about propositions.
Below is a similar function that I have defined in a simple formalisation. You can modify it easily to enforce the non-empty list input requirement. The idea is to use refine tactic to provide the structure of the function and the proof terms for function properties are marked with holes "_" and latter filled with tactics.
Definition max_list : forall (l : list nat), {n | forall n', In n' l -> n > n'}.
refine (fix max_list (l : list nat) : {n | forall n', In n' l -> n > n'} :=
match l with
| nil => exist _ 0 _
| x :: l' =>
match max_list l' with
exist x' _ =>
match le_gt_dec x x' with
| left _ => exist _ (S x') _
| right _ => exist _ (S x) _
end) ; clear max_list ; simpl in * ; intuition ;
try (match goal with
| [H : context[In _ _ -> _],
H1 : In _ _ |- _] => apply H in H1 ; try omega
There are the so called Program functionality that eases writing functions with dependent types. Maybe is worth checking it. My experience is that it generate some complicated hypothesis and, because of it, I prefer to use refine
Upvotes: 1