
Reputation: 2976

Why are my SVGs in def group not showing?

I can't explain following behavior. I used grunt svg sprite to create a SVG sprite of all my SVG Files in a certain directory.

Structure looks like this:

<svg width="0" height="0" style="position:absolute">
     //my svgs

Here the fiddle:

The plan was to import those SVGs group in inline in the body tag so that I don't need an extra request for an icon font. For multiple usage of an svg icon you can reference with use xlink:href="#id_of_the_original_svg". You can see a working example on this page:

I tried to display the SVGs with CSS, gave them width, height, display: block, color, fill etc. attributes but nothing worked.

But the paths seem to be correct. When not loading in a def group the Icons show up:

So what am I missing? Why is it not working?

Upvotes: 1

Views: 2588

Answers (1)


Reputation: 115175

<defs aren't supposed to be visible. They are definitions to be used later.


SVG allows graphical objects to be defined for later reuse. It is recommended that, wherever possible, referenced elements be defined inside of a defs element. Defining these elements inside of a defs element promotes understandability of the SVG content and thus promotes accessibility.

Graphical elements defined in a defs will not be directly rendered. You can use a <use> element to render those elements wherever you want on the viewport.

  <use xlink:href = "#star"/>

<svg style="display:none">
    <svg viewbox="0 0 18 28" id="angle-down">
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    <svg viewbox="0 0 22 28" id="minus">
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    <svg viewbox="0 0 24 32" id="place_edit">
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    <svg viewbox="0 0 23 32" id="place_full">
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    <svg viewbox="0 0 23 32" id="place_outline">
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    <svg viewbox="0 0 22 28" id="plus">
      <path d="M22 11.5v3q0 .625-.438 1.062T20.5 16H14v6.5q0 .625-.438 1.062T12.5 24h-3q-.625 0-1.062-.438T8 22.5V16H1.5q-.625 0-1.062-.438T0 14.5v-3q0-.625.438-1.062T1.5 10H8V3.5q0-.625.438-1.062T9.5 2h3q.625 0 1.062.438T14 3.5V10h6.5q.625 0 1.062.438T22 11.5z"
    <svg viewbox="0 0 37 32" id="recover">
      <path d="M4.84 16.556C5.133 25.136 12.18 32 20.83 32c8.838 0 16-7.163 16-16s-7.162-16-16-16c-3.23 0-6.32.96-8.942 2.73l1.35 2.003a13.517 13.517 0 0 1 7.592-2.317c7.503 0 13.585 6.082 13.585 13.585S28.333 29.587 20.83 29.587c-7.318 0-13.284-5.786-13.574-13.032l5.323-.007-6.283-8.093L0 16.564l4.84-.007z"
    <svg viewbox="0 0 32 32" id="regio_logo">
      <path d="M13.944 25.756L16 28.488l2.056-2.732h7.253L29.963 32H2.037l4.655-6.244h7.253zM16 6.244c-2.133 0-3.88 1.756-3.88 3.902s1.746 3.902 3.88 3.902c2.133 0 3.88-1.756 3.88-3.902S18.133 6.244 16 6.244zm8.533 9.366L16 27.317 7.467 15.61h.04a10.024 10.024 0 0 1-1.59-5.463C5.916 4.527 10.414 0 16 0S26.087 4.53 26.087 10.148c0 2.03-.582 3.902-1.59 5.463h.04z"
    <svg viewbox="0 0 26 28" id="star">
      <path d="M26 10.11q0 .343-.406.75l-5.672 5.53 1.344 7.812q. 0 .328-.164.555t-.477.227q-.296 0-.624-.187L13 21.423 5.984 25.11q-.344.187-.625.187-.33 0-.493-.227t-.164-.555q0-.094.03-.313L6.08 16.39.39 10.86Q0 10.436 0 10.11q0-.58.874-.72l7.844-1.14 3.516-7.11Q12.53.5 13 .5t.766.64l3.516 7.11 7.844 1.14q.875.14.875.72z"

 <use xlink:href="#star" />

Note: The SVG holding the defs will take up space on the page so it's customary to hide it with display:none.

Upvotes: 4

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