Reputation: 81
I am working on a Processing sketch, where I am getting input from an audio file, whose main frequency I am mapping to the movement of three animated "snakes". The code works sometimes fine, and sometimes not (NullPointerException)! I guess it has to do with some detail, that I am missing/don't get, but I am getting confused, since my code doesn't break every time!! If you could check it and figure out the problem, I would be grateful! Here is the main sketch:
import beads.*;
// sound variables
AudioContext ac;
Gain g;
PowerSpectrum ps;
Frequency f;
String sourceFile;
SamplePlayer player;
float inputFrequency;
float mappedFrequency;
float prevFrequency;
// visual variables
ShapeA shA1;
ShapeA shA2;
ShapeA shA3;
boolean shA1pressed, shA2pressed, shA3pressed;
void setup() {
size(900, 600);
frameRate(30); // doesn't affect sound
inputFrequency = 0;
mappedFrequency = 0;
prevFrequency = 0;
// get sound source
ac = new AudioContext();
sourceFile = sketchPath("") + "data/rite1.mp3";
try {
player = new SamplePlayer(ac, new Sample(sourceFile));
catch(Exception e)
println("Exception while attempting to load sample!");
g = new Gain(ac, 2, 0.3);
/* prerequisites for getting main frequency */
ShortFrameSegmenter sfs = new ShortFrameSegmenter(ac);
FFT fft = new FFT();
ps = new PowerSpectrum();
f = new Frequency(44100.0f);
/* end of prerequistes */
//strokeWeight(2); // affecting the size of a point
shA1 = new ShapeA(3); // random factor affecting angle
shA2 = new ShapeA(6);
shA3 = new ShapeA(8);
shA1pressed = false;
shA2pressed = false;
shA3pressed = false;
void draw() {
text(" Input Frequency: ", -100, -100); // for some reason, needed!!
inputFrequency = f.getFeatures(); // ** THIS IS THE MAIN FREQUENCY **
mappedFrequency = map(inputFrequency,20,2000,0,20); // computational power!
if (shA1pressed) {
if (shA2pressed) {
if (shA3pressed) {
prevFrequency = inputFrequency;
void keyPressed() {
if (key == '1') {
if (shA1pressed == false) {
shA1pressed = true;
} else {
shA1pressed = false;
if (key == '2') {
if (shA2pressed == false) {
shA2pressed = true;
} else {
shA2pressed = false;
if (key == '3') {
if (shA3pressed == false) {
shA3pressed = true;
} else {
shA3pressed = false;
And here is the ShapeA class:
class ShapeA {
float angleCount = 7;
float stepSize = 3.3;
int i = 0;
float angle = radians(270);
float r;
ArrayList<PVector> points = new ArrayList<PVector>();
ShapeA(float _r) {
// set position of first point
points.add(new PVector(random(width), random(height)));
r = _r;
float angle() {
if (prevFrequency <= inputFrequency) {
angle = angle - radians(mappedFrequency*random(r));
} else {
angle = angle + radians(mappedFrequency*random(r));
return angle;
void display(float _angle) {
PVector point = points.get(i);
ellipse(point.x, point.y, 3, 3);
// add a new point
PVector prevPoint = points.get(points.size()-1);
float x = prevPoint.x + cos(_angle) * stepSize;
float y = prevPoint.y + sin(_angle) * stepSize;
points.add(new PVector(x, y));
// check if shape hits display borders
float a = (floor(random(-angleCount, angleCount)) + 0.5) * 90.0/angleCount;
if (y <= 0) {
angle = a+90;
else if (x >= width) {
angle = a+180;
else if (y >= height) {
angle = a-90;
else if (x <= 0) {
angle = a;
When I am getting an error message, this is a NullPointerException message highlighting this line (in the main sketch):
inputFrequency = f.getFeatures(); // ** THIS IS THE MAIN FREQUENCY **
Additionally, I have also noticed, that by taking out the following line
text(" Input Frequency: ", -100, -100);
I also get the same type of message, although the line is of no use!
Could someone explain me, why are these "things" happening??
Thanks in advance, - Ilias
Upvotes: 2
Views: 941
Reputation: 42174
In the future, you should try to post the full text of any errors you get, as well as links to the libraries you're using.
But I have a theory:
The Frequency
class has a function called getFeatures()
which returns a Float
Note that capital F in that Float
. It's an Object, not a primitive lower-case float
. That means it can be null.
Then when you convert that to a lower-case float
(through unboxing), you get a NullPointerException
because it doesn't know how to convert null
to a float
I have no idea why that function is returning null; you'll have to check the documentation and do some debugging for that. But you either have to track the reason down and prevent it, or you have to add a null check that only enters your code if the value is non-null. Something like this:
Float returnedFrequency = f.getFeatures();
if(returnedFrequency != null){
inputFrequency = returnedFrequency;
//rest of your code
As for why you need the text()
function, my guess is that it's merely a coincidence. I guess maybe it's causing enough of a delay for whatever needs to happen in the Frequency
class, but that delay should only be a couple milliseconds, so I really doubt that's the case. Anyway, it becomes a moot point if you track down the cause of the null or add a null check.
By the way, you've posted a bunch of extra code here- your problem has nothing to do with the keyboard, so all of that code is just cluttering up your question. Next time, try to create an MCVE- just a few lines that we can run to get the same error, not your whole sketch. Good luck.
Upvotes: 1