I have a cell B8 that is currently formatted with the Currency Format, in a sheet that we will simply call Sheet1. I am sure this is something that I will need to accomplish in VBA, but what would be the process of having Excel add the following to the end of the cell B8:
as of 'MM/DD/YY'
where the date is today (not concerned if the date auto updates or not, such as if I were to save the workbook after VBA entering today's date and if I were to reopen tomorrow it could either show the original date or the new date - does not make a difference as it will get saved in a non editable format)
So with consideration that the cell is formatted with the Currency format (which excludes decimals btw), by me entering a number such as "10000", the cell should display the following:
$10,000 as of 03/03/16
Any suggestions?
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Views: 1980
You can retain the raw numerical value typed into B8 while displaying the currency symbol and decimal places as well as the 'as of mm/dd/yy' portion but the date will be display only.
Copy this code and paste it into the worksheet's code sheet (right-click the ws name tab, View Code).
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B8")) Is Nothing Then
On Error GoTo bm_Safe_Exit
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim str As String
str = Range("B8").NumberFormat
If CBool(InStr(1, str, "\a\s of", vbTextCompare)) Then _
ThisWorkbook.DeleteNumberFormat NumberFormat:=str
str = Format(Date, " \a\s of dd-mmm-yyyy")
str = StrConv(str, vbUnicode)
str = Join(Split(str, vbNullChar), Chr(92))
str = Left(str, Len(str) - 1)
str = "$#,##0" & str & ";[Red]($#,##0)" & str
Range("B8").NumberFormat = str
'Debug.Print str
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
You will not build up a number of useless custom number formats because each is deleted before assigning a new one; even if it is the same one. The value in the B8 cell remains available for calculation and comparison.
Note the number-like right-alignment in the cell. If the column is not wide enough to display the entire blurb, you will end up with ########.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 53663
Select any cell and use a macro like this to apply the number format with today's date. This format is static and will not change (unless you re-run the macro).
I derived this from a recorded macro, where I used a "Custom" format and applied a simple string to it, like so:
That gives me some basic code like:
Selection.NumberFormat = "$#,##0_)"" foo"";[Red]($#,##0)"" foo"""
Note the double quotation marks. That part is a little tricky to work with sometimes. Then modified it for this criteria:
Sub Macro2()
' Macro2 Macro
Dim dt As String
dt = """ as of " & Format(Now(), "[$-409]mmmm d, yyyy;@") & """"
Selection.NumberFormat = _
"$#,##0_)" & dt & ";[Red]($#,##0)" & dt
End Sub
Upvotes: 1