Reputation: 343
The tm package has the ability to let the user 'prune' the words and punctuation in a corpus of documents: tm_map( corpusDocs, removeWords, stopwords("english") )
Is there a way to supply tm_map with a tailored list of words that is read in from a csv file and used in place of stopwords("english")?
Thank you.
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Views: 198
Reputation: 101
Lets take a file (wordMappings)
First removel of words;
readFile <- function(fileName, seperator) {
read.csv(paste0("data\\", fileName, ".txt"),
sep=seperator, #"\t",
quote = "\"",
comment.char = "#",
blank.lines.skip = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
encoding = "UTF-8")
kelimeler <- c("this is a sample")
corpus = Corpus(VectorSource(kelimeler))
seperatorOfTokens <- ' '
words <- readFile("wordMappings", "|")
toSpace <- content_transformer(function(x, from) gsub(sprintf("(^|%s)%s(%s%s)", seperatorOfTokens, from,'$|', seperatorOfTokens, ')'), sprintf(" %s%s", ' ', seperatorOfTokens), x))
for (word in words$from) {
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, toSpace, word)
If you want a more flexible solution, for example not just removing also replacing with then;
#Specific Transformations
toMyToken <- content_transformer( function(x, from, to)
gsub(sprintf("(^|%s)%s(%s%s)", seperatorOfTokens, from,'$|', seperatorOfTokens, ')'), sprintf(" %s%s", to, seperatorOfTokens), x))
for (i in seq(1:nrow(words))) {
print(sprintf("%s -> %s ", words$from[i], words$to[i]))
corpus <- tm_map(corpus, toMyToken, words$from[i], words$to[i])
Now a sample run;
[1] "this -> ThIs "
[1] "is -> Is "
[1] "a -> A "
[1] "sample -> SamPle "
> content(corpus[[1]])
[1] " ThIs Is A SamPle "
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 343
My solution, which may be cumbersome and inelegant:
#read in items to be removed
removalList = as.matrix( read.csv( listOfWordsAndPunc, header = FALSE ) )
#create document term matrix
termListing = colnames( corpusFileDocs_dtm )
#find intersection of terms in removalList and termListing
commonWords = intersect( removalList, termListing )
removalIndxs = match( commonWords, termListing )
#create m for term frequency, etc.
m = as.matrix( atsapFileDocs_dtm )
#use removalIndxs to drop irrelevant columns from m
allColIndxs = 1 : length( termListing )
keepColIndxs = setdiff( allColIndxs, removalIndxs )
m = m[ ,keepColIndxs ]
#thence to tf-idf analysis with revised m
Any stylistic or computational suggestions for improvement are gratefully sought.
Upvotes: 0