
Reputation: 777

How to achieve pushbutton type effect using bitmaps

Hello there I have a issue related to the usage of the bitmap enabled Dialog window.I have created a keyboard type layout and i wish to get the input through keyboard also.When i use the mouse I am able to get the button(s) pressed and also all the buttons are working fine - the other images DEFAULT,SELECTED,DISABLED ..all get loaded and work since I am using the function here m_BtnBtn1Ctrl.LoadBitmaps ,But then any key pressed on keyboard and the corresponding character on the screen isn't able to do the same as I have been able to do it with clicking of the mouse(and using the Loadbitmaps() function ).

I am using these 3 functions to achieve the same action and effect as that using a mouse

I also tried this piece of code

HBITMAP hbm = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(NULL, "\\res\\Selected\\bitmap21.bmp", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE);


bitmap.Attach((HBITMAP)LoadImage(NULL, "\\res\\Selected\\bitmap21.bmp", IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE | LR_CREATEDIBSECTION));

but these don't seem to give the pressed button effect though internally they work.Can some one please help me with this

Thanks and regards Sayonee


BOOL KeyBoard_press::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg)
    // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
    CString strTemp;
    if (pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN)
        if ( pMsg->wParam == 0x41 || pMsg->wParam == 0x61) //check for both 'a' and 'A'
        if (pMsg->wParam == VK_RETURN || pMsg->wParam == VK_DELETE ||
            pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE || pMsg->wParam == VK_TAB ||
            pMsg->wParam == VK_UP || pMsg->wParam == VK_DOWN || GetKeyState (VK_CONTROL))
                ::TranslateMessage (pMsg);
                ::DispatchMessage (pMsg);
                return TRUE;                // DO NOT process further
    return CDialog::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);

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Views: 317

Answers (1)


Reputation: 2940

As far as I understand, you have a series of buttons that simulate a computer keyboard layout. whenever the user presses a key on the keyboard, you need to simulate a button click in your dialog box. You have provided bitmaps for each state of each button.

To do this, I would process the WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP messages. In the handlers, use some mapping of the key to the actual button instance. Then, send the BM_SETSTATE to the button control.

Then, process the WM_COMMAND message from each of the buttons and check for the BN_CLICKED code.

Upvotes: 1

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