Reputation: 128
Hey guys im trying to learn assembly and im having this issue right now, so im trying to get the number each characters inside a string.
for example if I type in "hi" it should output: a0 b0 .. h1 i1 .. z0
but instead I get random chars, I'll apreciate any help.
data segment
msg1 db 10,13,': $'
msg3 db 10,13,' $'
msg4 db 10,13,'no, character found in the given string $'
msg5 db ' character(s) found in the given string $'
char db 97
count db 0
p1 label byte
m1 db 0ffh
l1 db ?
auxsi db 0
p11 db 0ffh dup ('$')
data ends
display macro msg
mov ah,9
lea dx,msg
int 21h
code segment
assume cs:code,ds:data
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
display msg1
lea dx,p1
mov ah,0ah
int 21h
lea si,p11
mov cl,l1
mov ch,0
mov al,[si]
cmp char,al
jne skip
inc count
inc si
loop check
cmp count,0
je notfound
display msg3
mov ah,02h
mov dl,char
int 21h
mov dl,count
add dl,30h
mov ah,2
int 21h
inc char
mov count,0
cmp char,123
jne check
jmp exit
display msg4
exit: mov ah,4ch
int 21h
code ends
Upvotes: 2
Views: 612
Reputation: 58822
For starters, it will never print zeroes since you have explicit check to not do that in the code. Is this even your own code? Also, that very check will stop at the first character that's not present, so if your string does not start with an a
it will stop immediately. Furthermore, after printing a count, you loop back to check
which does not reload cx
or si
so it will continue after the buffer. Finally, the apparently unused auxsi
label in the buffer will make the code skip the first character of the input.
Learn to use a debugger and comment your code especially if you want others to help.
Upvotes: 1