Reputation: 31590
I am trying to parse a JSON file and show it to the user, here a simplified version
"posts": [{
// some properties
comments: {
// some more properties
This is my code, I know it's a lot I'm not really sure what to remove to isolate the problem, every time I try I get a different error that seems to lead me nowhere.
type Action
= NoOp
| GetPosts
| ShowPosts (Maybe { posts : List Post.Model })
init =
( { posts = Nothing }, Effects.none )
update action model =
case action of
NoOp ->
( model, Effects.none )
GetPosts ->
( { model | posts = Nothing }, getPosts )
ShowPosts maybePosts ->
( { model | posts = maybePosts }, Effects.none )
view address model =
[ button [ onClick address GetPosts ] [ text "Click to get posts!" ]
, viewPosts model.posts
viewPosts maybePosts =
case maybePosts of
Nothing ->
div [] [ text "No posts to display. Try clicking the button" ]
Just posts ->
ul [] ( Post.view posts)
-- This is the key to map the result of the HTTP GET to an Action
-- Note: Task.toMaybe swallows any HTTP or JSON decoding errors
getPosts : Effects Action
getPosts =
Http.get decoderColl "./posts.json"
|> Task.toMaybe
|> ShowPosts
|> Effects.task
type alias PostListContainerModel =
{ posts : List Post.Model }
postDecoder : Decoder Post.Model
postDecoder =
("img" := Decode.string)
("text" := Decode.string)
("source" := Decode.string)
("date" := Decode.string)
("comments" := Decode.list commentDecoder)
commentDecoder : Decoder Comment.Model
commentDecoder =
("text" := Decode.string)
("date" := Decode.string)
decoderColl : Decoder PostListContainerModel
decoderColl =
("posts" := Decode.list postDecoder)
I am getting this error from the compiler
is expecting the argument to be:{ ... , view : Signal.Address Action -> { posts : Maybe { posts : List Post.Model } } -> Html }
But it is:
{ ... , view : Signal.Address Action -> { posts : Maybe (List Post.Model) } -> Html }
I can't understand where that extra { posts : Maybe
is coming from in the definition of view
Previous question with some extra background: Parsing nested JSON in Elm
Got an answer in the elm community google group, here's the gist
Upvotes: 0
Views: 219
Reputation: 36385
I think the definition of ShowPosts
is getting in the way. You have this:
ShowPosts (Maybe { posts : List Post.Model })
But it should probably be this:
ShowPosts (Maybe (List Post.Model))
Making that change will cause you to have to update a few other places, but follow the compiler messages and it should lead you to the right place.
One of the places that will need updating is getPosts
, where you'll need to take the list of posts out of that wrapper object. That should be as simple as this:
|> (ShowPosts << .posts)
Upvotes: 1