
Reputation: 2056

Heist not substituting templates

I have the following code, just copy-pasted and modernised (the original example does not compile with recent versions of Heist anymore) from here.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
import Heist
import Heist.Compiled
import Blaze.ByteString.Builder

conf :: HeistConfig IO
conf =  set hcTemplateLocations [ loadTemplates "." ] $
        set hcInterpretedSplices defaultInterpretedSplices $

runHeistConf :: Either [String] (HeistState IO) -> IO (HeistState IO)
runHeistConf (Right hs) = return hs
runHeistConf (Left msgs) = error . intercalate "\n" $ map ("[Heist error]: " ++) msgs

main :: IO ()
main = do
    heist <- id <$> (runEitherT $ initHeist conf) >>= runHeistConf
    output <- fst $ fromMaybe (error "xxx") $ renderTemplate heist "billy"

    BS.putStrLn . toByteString $ output

And the following template:

<!-- billy.tpl -->
<bind tag="wanted">Playstation 4</bind>
<bind tag="got">Monopoly board game</bind>

<apply template="letter">
  <bind tag="kiddo">Billy</bind>
  I regret to inform you the "<wanted />" you have requested is currently
  unavailable. I have substituted this with "<got />". I hope this does not
  disappoint you.

Running this program outputs to the console the whole template (almost) as is. No substistutions are made. Probably there's some function call missing, required by modern Hesit versions. I was trying to track it down in the documentation, but no luck. Why doesn't it work?


<!-- billy.tpl --><bind tag='wanted'>Playstation 4</bind>&#10;<bind tag='got'>Monopoly board game</bind>&#10;
<apply template='letter'>
  <bind tag='kiddo'>Billy</bind>
  I regret to inform you the "<wanted></wanted>" you have requested is currently
  unavailable. I have substituted this with "<got></got>". I hope this does not
  disappoint you.

Upvotes: 1

Views: 69

Answers (1)


Reputation: 7282

It looks like you are using renderTemplate from Heist.Compiled, but defining interpreted splices. I believe if you change this line:

set hcInterpretedSplices defaultInterpretedSplices

to this

set hcLoadTimeSplices defaultLoadTimeSplices

it should work

Upvotes: 1

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