
Reputation: 3151

addByteLength() not adding bytes to send message in omnet++

I wrote a function for my own simulation model to create and send ARP requests. Here in the below code I have successfully created the ARP packet and set the byte size to 28. Now when I tried to encapsulate this created packet inside the link layer frame tempLinkLayerARPRequestFrame

                tempIPARPRequest = new IPv4ARP("IPv4ARP Request");
                // encapsulate it 
                tempLinkLayerARPRequestFrame= new LinkLayerFrame("LinkARP Request");

                tempLinkLayerARPRequestFrame->setFrameType(0); //an ARP packet
                tempLinkLayerARPRequestFrame->addByteLength(30); //30Bytes

                send(tempLinkLayerARPRequestFrame->dup(), "toBelowSendQ");
                ARPRequestedCache[tempIPPacket->getDestinationIP()] = true;

But I see that the transmitted frame is of size 28 bytes instead of 28 + 30 = 58 bytes. Why is it happening or the encapsulate function is not appending the bytes?


The IPv4ARP msg file is:

NED File:

packet IPv4ARP {
    string SourceIP;
    string DestinationIP;


// Generated file, do not edit! Created by nedtool 4.6 from IPv4ARP.msg.

#ifndef _IPV4ARP_M_H_
#define _IPV4ARP_M_H_

#include <omnetpp.h>

// nedtool version check
#define MSGC_VERSION 0x0406
#    error Version mismatch! Probably this file was generated by an earlier version of nedtool: 'make clean' should help.

 * Class generated from <tt>IPv4ARP.msg:19</tt> by nedtool.
 * <pre>
 * //
 * // TODO generated message class
 * //
 * packet IPv4ARP
 * {
 *     string SourceIP;
 *     string DestinationIP;
 * }
 * </pre>
class IPv4ARP : public ::cPacket
    opp_string SourceIP_var;
    opp_string DestinationIP_var;

    void copy(const IPv4ARP& other);

    // protected and unimplemented operator==(), to prevent accidental usage
    bool operator==(const IPv4ARP&);

    IPv4ARP(const char *name=NULL, int kind=0);
    IPv4ARP(const IPv4ARP& other);
    virtual ~IPv4ARP();
    IPv4ARP& operator=(const IPv4ARP& other);
    virtual IPv4ARP *dup() const {return new IPv4ARP(*this);}
    virtual void parsimPack(cCommBuffer *b);
    virtual void parsimUnpack(cCommBuffer *b);

    // field getter/setter methods
    virtual const char * getSourceIP() const;
    virtual void setSourceIP(const char * SourceIP);
    virtual const char * getDestinationIP() const;
    virtual void setDestinationIP(const char * DestinationIP);

inline void doPacking(cCommBuffer *b, IPv4ARP& obj) {obj.parsimPack(b);}
inline void doUnpacking(cCommBuffer *b, IPv4ARP& obj) {obj.parsimUnpack(b);}

#endif // ifndef _IPV4ARP_M_H_

// Generated file, do not edit! Created by nedtool 4.6 from IPv4ARP.msg.

// Disable warnings about unused variables, empty switch stmts, etc:
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#  pragma warning(disable:4101)
#  pragma warning(disable:4065)

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include "IPv4ARP_m.h"


// Another default rule (prevents compiler from choosing base class' doPacking())
template<typename T>
void doPacking(cCommBuffer *, T& t) {
    throw cRuntimeError("Parsim error: no doPacking() function for type %s or its base class (check .msg and files!)",opp_typename(typeid(t)));

template<typename T>
void doUnpacking(cCommBuffer *, T& t) {
    throw cRuntimeError("Parsim error: no doUnpacking() function for type %s or its base class (check .msg and files!)",opp_typename(typeid(t)));

// Template rule for outputting std::vector<T> types
template<typename T, typename A>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const std::vector<T,A>& vec)
    for(typename std::vector<T,A>::const_iterator it = vec.begin(); it != vec.end(); ++it)
        if (it != vec.begin()) {
            out.put(','); out.put(' ');
        out << *it;

    char buf[32];
    sprintf(buf, " (size=%u)", (unsigned int)vec.size());
    out.write(buf, strlen(buf));
    return out;

// Template rule which fires if a struct or class doesn't have operator<<
template<typename T>
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out,const T&) {return out;}


IPv4ARP::IPv4ARP(const char *name, int kind) : ::cPacket(name,kind)
    this->SourceIP_var = 0;
    this->DestinationIP_var = 0;

IPv4ARP::IPv4ARP(const IPv4ARP& other) : ::cPacket(other)


IPv4ARP& IPv4ARP::operator=(const IPv4ARP& other)
    if (this==&other) return *this;
    return *this;

void IPv4ARP::copy(const IPv4ARP& other)
    this->SourceIP_var = other.SourceIP_var;
    this->DestinationIP_var = other.DestinationIP_var;

void IPv4ARP::parsimPack(cCommBuffer *b)

void IPv4ARP::parsimUnpack(cCommBuffer *b)

const char * IPv4ARP::getSourceIP() const
    return SourceIP_var.c_str();

void IPv4ARP::setSourceIP(const char * SourceIP)
    this->SourceIP_var = SourceIP;

const char * IPv4ARP::getDestinationIP() const
    return DestinationIP_var.c_str();

void IPv4ARP::setDestinationIP(const char * DestinationIP)
    this->DestinationIP_var = DestinationIP;

class IPv4ARPDescriptor : public cClassDescriptor
    virtual ~IPv4ARPDescriptor();

    virtual bool doesSupport(cObject *obj) const;
    virtual const char *getProperty(const char *propertyname) const;
    virtual int getFieldCount(void *object) const;
    virtual const char *getFieldName(void *object, int field) const;
    virtual int findField(void *object, const char *fieldName) const;
    virtual unsigned int getFieldTypeFlags(void *object, int field) const;
    virtual const char *getFieldTypeString(void *object, int field) const;
    virtual const char *getFieldProperty(void *object, int field, const char *propertyname) const;
    virtual int getArraySize(void *object, int field) const;

    virtual std::string getFieldAsString(void *object, int field, int i) const;
    virtual bool setFieldAsString(void *object, int field, int i, const char *value) const;

    virtual const char *getFieldStructName(void *object, int field) const;
    virtual void *getFieldStructPointer(void *object, int field, int i) const;


IPv4ARPDescriptor::IPv4ARPDescriptor() : cClassDescriptor("IPv4ARP", "cPacket")


bool IPv4ARPDescriptor::doesSupport(cObject *obj) const
    return dynamic_cast<IPv4ARP *>(obj)!=NULL;

const char *IPv4ARPDescriptor::getProperty(const char *propertyname) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    return basedesc ? basedesc->getProperty(propertyname) : NULL;

int IPv4ARPDescriptor::getFieldCount(void *object) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    return basedesc ? 2+basedesc->getFieldCount(object) : 2;

unsigned int IPv4ARPDescriptor::getFieldTypeFlags(void *object, int field) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    if (basedesc) {
        if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount(object))
            return basedesc->getFieldTypeFlags(object, field);
        field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(object);
    static unsigned int fieldTypeFlags[] = {
    return (field>=0 && field<2) ? fieldTypeFlags[field] : 0;

const char *IPv4ARPDescriptor::getFieldName(void *object, int field) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    if (basedesc) {
        if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount(object))
            return basedesc->getFieldName(object, field);
        field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(object);
    static const char *fieldNames[] = {
    return (field>=0 && field<2) ? fieldNames[field] : NULL;

int IPv4ARPDescriptor::findField(void *object, const char *fieldName) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    int base = basedesc ? basedesc->getFieldCount(object) : 0;
    if (fieldName[0]=='S' && strcmp(fieldName, "SourceIP")==0) return base+0;
    if (fieldName[0]=='D' && strcmp(fieldName, "DestinationIP")==0) return base+1;
    return basedesc ? basedesc->findField(object, fieldName) : -1;

const char *IPv4ARPDescriptor::getFieldTypeString(void *object, int field) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    if (basedesc) {
        if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount(object))
            return basedesc->getFieldTypeString(object, field);
        field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(object);
    static const char *fieldTypeStrings[] = {
    return (field>=0 && field<2) ? fieldTypeStrings[field] : NULL;

const char *IPv4ARPDescriptor::getFieldProperty(void *object, int field, const char *propertyname) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    if (basedesc) {
        if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount(object))
            return basedesc->getFieldProperty(object, field, propertyname);
        field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(object);
    switch (field) {
        default: return NULL;

int IPv4ARPDescriptor::getArraySize(void *object, int field) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    if (basedesc) {
        if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount(object))
            return basedesc->getArraySize(object, field);
        field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(object);
    IPv4ARP *pp = (IPv4ARP *)object; (void)pp;
    switch (field) {
        default: return 0;

std::string IPv4ARPDescriptor::getFieldAsString(void *object, int field, int i) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    if (basedesc) {
        if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount(object))
            return basedesc->getFieldAsString(object,field,i);
        field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(object);
    IPv4ARP *pp = (IPv4ARP *)object; (void)pp;
    switch (field) {
        case 0: return oppstring2string(pp->getSourceIP());
        case 1: return oppstring2string(pp->getDestinationIP());
        default: return "";

bool IPv4ARPDescriptor::setFieldAsString(void *object, int field, int i, const char *value) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    if (basedesc) {
        if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount(object))
            return basedesc->setFieldAsString(object,field,i,value);
        field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(object);
    IPv4ARP *pp = (IPv4ARP *)object; (void)pp;
    switch (field) {
        case 0: pp->setSourceIP((value)); return true;
        case 1: pp->setDestinationIP((value)); return true;
        default: return false;

const char *IPv4ARPDescriptor::getFieldStructName(void *object, int field) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    if (basedesc) {
        if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount(object))
            return basedesc->getFieldStructName(object, field);
        field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(object);
    switch (field) {
        default: return NULL;

void *IPv4ARPDescriptor::getFieldStructPointer(void *object, int field, int i) const
    cClassDescriptor *basedesc = getBaseClassDescriptor();
    if (basedesc) {
        if (field < basedesc->getFieldCount(object))
            return basedesc->getFieldStructPointer(object, field, i);
        field -= basedesc->getFieldCount(object);
    IPv4ARP *pp = (IPv4ARP *)object; (void)pp;
    switch (field) {
        default: return NULL;

Upvotes: 0

Views: 190

Answers (2)

Utkal Sinha
Utkal Sinha

Reputation: 1041

Core4Inet has a customization of Tkenv for console output.

The cPacket indeed gets encapsulated and the size too gets added. Whenever you reference the Core4Inet project it shows both the encapsulated cPacket's size as well as the parent cPacket's size [Just adjacent to it]. Check the console output properly [If there is a horizontal scroll bar, then use it].

Upvotes: 2

Jerzy D.
Jerzy D.

Reputation: 7002

In the presented code you are sending tempIPoIBARPRequest, but you didn't show this variable in code. And the packet tempLinkLayerARPRequestFrame, you expect to have 58 bytes is not sent anywhere.

To check actual size of tempLinkLayerARPRequestFrame try:

EV << "size of tempLinkLayerARPRequestFrame is " << tempLinkLayerARPRequestFrame->getByteLength() << " bytes \n";

It shows that tempLinkLayerARPRequestFrame has size equal to 58 bytes.

Upvotes: 2

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