Reputation: 419
I built a shiny app that tells you how much days are left untill it's your birthday. But visually I want the text to be in one row while it's currently like this:
I guess this should be easy but I am new to shiny and don't really get it. This is my code: library(shiny)
ui <- (shinyUI(fluidPage(
strong("Wann wurdest du geboren?"),
selectInput("a1",label="Tag", choices=(c(1:31))),
selectInput("a2",label="Monat", choices=(c(1:12))),
selectInput("a3",label="Jahr", choices=(c(1940:year(Sys.time())))),
# UI output
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
data <- reactive({
Geburtsdatum <- paste0(input$a1,".", input$a2, ".", input$a3)
Uhrzeit <- "00:00:01"
Geb <- paste(Geburtsdatum, Uhrzeit)
geburt <- strptime(c(Geb), format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", tz = "CET")
geburtstag <- geburt
year(geburtstag) <- year(Sys.time())
gebu <- geburtstag - Sys.time()
if(gebu < 0){year(geburtstag) <- year(Sys.time())+1}
gebu <- geburtstag - Sys.time()
Alter <- ceiling((Sys.time() - geburt)/365)
runden <- function(Wert){
decimalpl <- function(Wert){
list(a = (trunc(gebu)),
b = (runden(decimalpl(gebu)*24)),
c = (runden(decimalpl(decimalpl(gebu)*24)*60)),
d = (runden(decimalpl(decimalpl(decimalpl(gebu)*24)*60)*60)),
e = (paste(Alter,".", sep="")))
output$b1 <- renderUI({
strong(paste("Noch", data()$a, "Tage,",
data()$b, "Stunden,",
data()$c, "Minuten, und",
data()$d, "Sekunden bis zu deinem",
data()$e, "Geburtstag!"))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Thank you really much! P.S.: could I collorize the backgorund and the text, too? Or include an image?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 624
Reputation: 9676
as for the styling of your app, here is an example that gives a hint on how to colour your text, background and add images.
I hope this helps.
ui <- shinyUI(
sidebarPanel(style = "background-color: orange;",
strong("Wann wurdest du geboren?"),
selectInput("a1",label="Tag", choices=(c(1:31))),
selectInput("a2",label="Monat", choices=(c(1:12))),
selectInput("a3",label="Jahr", choices=(c(1940:year(Sys.time()))))
tags$img(src = "", style = "z-index: -1; position: fixed;"),
# UI output
uiOutput("b1", style = "color: blue;")
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
data <- reactive({
Geburtsdatum <- paste0(input$a1,".", input$a2, ".", input$a3)
Uhrzeit <- "00:00:01"
Geb <- paste(Geburtsdatum, Uhrzeit)
geburt <- strptime(c(Geb), format = "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", tz = "CET")
geburtstag <- geburt
year(geburtstag) <- year(Sys.time())
gebu <- geburtstag - Sys.time()
if(gebu < 0){year(geburtstag) <- year(Sys.time())+1}
gebu <- geburtstag - Sys.time()
Alter <- ceiling((Sys.time() - geburt)/365)
runden <- function(Wert){
decimalpl <- function(Wert){
list(a = (trunc(gebu)),
b = (runden(decimalpl(gebu)*24)),
c = (runden(decimalpl(decimalpl(gebu)*24)*60)),
d = (runden(decimalpl(decimalpl(decimalpl(gebu)*24)*60)*60)),
e = (paste(Alter,".", sep="")))
output$b1 <- renderUI({
strong(paste("Noch", data()$a, "Tage,",
data()$b, "Stunden,",
data()$c, "Minuten, und",
data()$d, "Sekunden bis zu deinem",
data()$e, "Geburtstag!"))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Upvotes: 1