Reputation: 35
I'm working on a macro that someone else wrote and am confused because they don't define a variable but are still using it. 1) is this possible and 2) how does excel/vba know what the variable is supposed to be? The variable used is "theCell" and there is no definition anywhere. Code below, and thanks:
Sub DoTheWork()
Sheets("All Data").Activate
ActiveSheet.Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Set homebook = ActiveWorkbook
Set homeSheet = Sheets("All Data")
topRow = 2
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
For Each theCell In Selection
If (theCell.Value <> theCell.Offset(1, 0).Value) Then
Range("A" & topRow & ":AS" & theCell.Row).Select
Set copySheet = ActiveSheet
Set copyBook = ActiveWorkbook
Upvotes: 2
Views: 1000
It doesn't know what it is supposed to be so it creates one on-the-fly as a variant type which can handle pretty much anything assigned to it including objects and arrays.
The 'best practise' is to put an Option Explicit statement at the top of each codesheet in the declarations area. This can be performed automatically upon the creation of each codesheet by setting the Require Variable Declaration within the VBE's Tools ► Options ► Editor property page.
This will avoid silly coding mistakes like misspellings as well as influencing you to use the correct variable type in the variable declaration.
Upvotes: 5