Reputation: 2841
I'm currently working on a music-playing program on Python 3. I managed to get it to play single notes with the following code (which was ripped of pitch perfect 0.3.2):
import pygame, time
import numpy as np
notes_dct = {
'c': -9.0, 'c#': -8.0, 'db': -8.0, 'd': -7.0, 'd#': -6.0, 'eb': -6.0,
'e': -5.0, 'f': -4.0, 'f#': -3.0, 'gb': -3.0, 'g': -2.0, 'g#': -1.0,
'ab': -1.0, 'a': 0.0, 'a#': 1.0, 'bb': 1.0, 'b': 2.0,
def getExponent(note):
""" Returns a float needed to obtain the frequency in Hz based on
'note', which is a string with note name defaulting to 'A', and
an optional trailing octave value, defaulting to 4; each octave
begins at the C tone.
# np is short for numpy
GetExponent('A4') returns a value 'v' where
2 ** (np.log2(440) + v) == 440.0 # in Hz
GetExponent('C') (or C4) returns v where
2 ** (np.log2(440) + v) == 261.6 # approximate;
# note that C4 is below A4
GetExponent('Gb-1') (or G flat, octave -1) returns v where
2 ** (np.log2(440) + v) == 11.6 # below usual hearing range
i = 0
while i < len(note) and note[i] not in '1234567890-':
i += 1
if i == 0:
name = 'a'
name = note[: i].lower()
if i == len(note):
octave = 4
octave = int(note[i: ])
return notes_dct[name] / 12.0 + octave - 4
def generateTone(freq=440.0, vol=1.0, shape='sine'):
""" GenerateTone( shape='sine', freq=440.0, vol=1.0 )
returns pygame.mixer.Sound object
shape: string designating waveform type returned; one of
'sine', 'sawtooth', or 'square'
freq: frequency; can be passed in as int or float (in Hz),
or a string (see GetExponent documentation above for
string usage)
vol: relative volume of returned sound; will be clipped into
range 0.0 to 1.0
# Get playback values that mixer was initialized with.
(pb_freq, pb_bits, pb_chns) = pygame.mixer.get_init()
if type(freq) == str:
# Set freq to frequency in Hz; GetExponent(freq) is exponential
# difference from the exponent of note A4: log2(440.0).
freq = 2.0 ** (np.log2(440.0) + getExponent(freq))
# Clip range of volume.
vol = np.clip(vol, 0.0, 1.0)
# multiplier and length pan out the size of the sample to help
# keep the mixer busy between calls to channel.queue()
multiplier = int(freq / 24.0)
length = max(1, int(float(pb_freq) / freq * multiplier))
# Create a one-dimensional array with linear values.
lin = np.linspace(0.0, multiplier, num=length, endpoint=False)
if shape == 'sine':
# Apply a sine wave to lin.
ary = np.sin(lin * 2.0 * np.pi)
elif shape == 'sawtooth':
# sawtooth keeps the linear shape in a modded fashion.
ary = 2.0 * ((lin + 0.5) % 1.0) - 1.0
elif shape == 'square':
# round off lin and adjust to alternate between -1 and +1.
ary = 1.0 - np.round(lin % 1.0) * 2.0
print("shape param should be one of 'sine', 'sawtooth', 'square'.")
return None
# If mixer is in stereo mode, double up the array information for
# each channel.
if pb_chns == 2:
ary = np.repeat(ary[..., np.newaxis], 2, axis=1)
if pb_bits == 8:
# Adjust for volume and 8-bit range.
snd_ary = ary * vol * 127.0
return pygame.sndarray.make_sound(snd_ary.astype(np.uint8) + 128)
elif pb_bits == -16:
# Adjust for 16-bit range.
snd_ary = ary * vol * float((1 << 15) - 1)
return pygame.sndarray.make_sound(snd_ary.astype(np.int16))
print("pygame.mixer playback bit-size unsupported.")
print("Should be either 8 or -16.")
return None
but I'm having problems making the program play multiple notes at once (a chord). Running several generateTone
s at once is a memorable experience, and so I found this snippet of code on the web:
import math
import wave
import struct
def synthComplex(freq=[440],coef=[1], datasize=10000, fname="test.wav"):
frate = 44100.00
for x in range(datasize):
samp = 0
for k in range(len(freq)):
samp = samp + coef[k] * math.sin(2*math.pi*freq[k]*(x/frate))
nchannels = 1
sampwidth = 2
framerate = int(frate)
comptype= "NONE"
compname= "not compressed"
wav_file.setparams((nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname))
for s in sine_list:
wav_file.writeframes(struct.pack('h', int(s*amp/2)))
and then I can play the sound file with winsound
or pygame
. However, it takes about a second to compile the sound file (which is way too long for me), and making several thousand pre-made sound files seems rather ineffecient.
Is there an easy way for me to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance for any help!
I tried doing something like this:
chan1 = pygame.mixer.Channel(0)'C4'), 10)
chan2 = pygame.mixer.Channel(1)'G5'), 10)
but that had the same effect as playing simply using:
to chan1.queue
or changing chan1 = pygame.mixer.Channel(0)
to chan1 = pygame.mixer.find_channel()
didn't change anything.
Upvotes: 3
Views: 1255
Reputation: 2841
I managed to solve the problem with the pygame.midi
import pygame.midi
import time
player = pygame.midi.Output(0)
player.note_on(60, 127)
player.note_on(64, 127)
player.note_on(67, 127)
player.note_off(60, 127)
player.note_off(64, 127)
player.note_off(67, 127)
del player
Upvotes: 1