Reputation: 3193
If I have the following button in an html file
<button (click)="doSomething('testing', $event)">Do something</button>
Also, in the corresponding component, I have this function
doSomething(testString: string, event){
console.log(testString + ': I am doing something');
Is there a proper type that should be assigned to the $event
The event parameter itself is an object, BUT if I assign it to a type object, I get an error
Property 'stopPropogation' does not exist on type object
So, what does Typescript consider the $event
Upvotes: 136
Views: 125178
Reputation: 13759
Some commonly used events and their related names (MouseEvent, FocusEvent, TouchEvent, DragEvent, KeyboardEvent):
| MouseEvent | FocusEvent | TouchEvent | DragEvent | KeyboardEvent |
| click | focus | touchstart | drag | keypress |
| mouseup | blur | touchmove | drop | keyup |
| mouseleave | focusin | touchcancel | dragend | keydown |
| mouseover | focusout | touchend | dragover | |
The generic Event is associated to:
If you dig in Typescript's repository, dom.generated.d.ts provides a mapping of all global events handlers (credit goes to Eric's answer) in the GlobalEventHandlersEventMap interface:
interface GlobalEventHandlersEventMap {
"abort": UIEvent;
"animationcancel": AnimationEvent;
"animationend": AnimationEvent;
"animationiteration": AnimationEvent;
"animationstart": AnimationEvent;
"auxclick": MouseEvent;
"beforeinput": InputEvent;
"blur": FocusEvent;
"cancel": Event;
"canplay": Event;
"canplaythrough": Event;
"change": Event;
"click": MouseEvent;
"close": Event;
"compositionend": CompositionEvent;
"compositionstart": CompositionEvent;
"compositionupdate": CompositionEvent;
"contextmenu": MouseEvent;
"copy": ClipboardEvent;
"cuechange": Event;
"cut": ClipboardEvent;
"dblclick": MouseEvent;
"drag": DragEvent;
"dragend": DragEvent;
"dragenter": DragEvent;
"dragleave": DragEvent;
"dragover": DragEvent;
"dragstart": DragEvent;
"drop": DragEvent;
"durationchange": Event;
"emptied": Event;
"ended": Event;
"error": ErrorEvent;
"focus": FocusEvent;
"focusin": FocusEvent;
"focusout": FocusEvent;
"formdata": FormDataEvent;
"gotpointercapture": PointerEvent;
"input": Event;
"invalid": Event;
"keydown": KeyboardEvent;
"keypress": KeyboardEvent;
"keyup": KeyboardEvent;
"load": Event;
"loadeddata": Event;
"loadedmetadata": Event;
"loadstart": Event;
"lostpointercapture": PointerEvent;
"mousedown": MouseEvent;
"mouseenter": MouseEvent;
"mouseleave": MouseEvent;
"mousemove": MouseEvent;
"mouseout": MouseEvent;
"mouseover": MouseEvent;
"mouseup": MouseEvent;
"paste": ClipboardEvent;
"pause": Event;
"play": Event;
"playing": Event;
"pointercancel": PointerEvent;
"pointerdown": PointerEvent;
"pointerenter": PointerEvent;
"pointerleave": PointerEvent;
"pointermove": PointerEvent;
"pointerout": PointerEvent;
"pointerover": PointerEvent;
"pointerup": PointerEvent;
"progress": ProgressEvent;
"ratechange": Event;
"reset": Event;
"resize": UIEvent;
"scroll": Event;
"scrollend": Event;
"securitypolicyviolation": SecurityPolicyViolationEvent;
"seeked": Event;
"seeking": Event;
"select": Event;
"selectionchange": Event;
"selectstart": Event;
"slotchange": Event;
"stalled": Event;
"submit": SubmitEvent;
"suspend": Event;
"timeupdate": Event;
"toggle": Event;
"touchcancel": TouchEvent;
"touchend": TouchEvent;
"touchmove": TouchEvent;
"touchstart": TouchEvent;
"transitioncancel": TransitionEvent;
"transitionend": TransitionEvent;
"transitionrun": TransitionEvent;
"transitionstart": TransitionEvent;
"volumechange": Event;
"waiting": Event;
"webkitanimationend": Event;
"webkitanimationiteration": Event;
"webkitanimationstart": Event;
"webkittransitionend": Event;
"wheel": WheelEvent;
Upvotes: 89
Reputation: 1
The previous answers excellently treated the original question and guided me in the right direction.
However, I stumbled upon this page while starting to learn Angular(and front-end) and not having a clear picture of how the mentioned types are documented and maintained. A short reference to additional context:
Both MouseEvent
and Focus Event
are part of Mozilla's Web API's
specification - the de facto API used by most modern Web Browser for exposing functionality to the JavaScript runtime.
If you are used to a back-end environment like Java, the Web API specification can be viewed as a rough equivalent to the central documentation (Oracle's Java Doc in Java's case) maintained by the language provider plus some reference to third-party APIs.
Unlike Java/C# specifications where the main distributions are guaranteed to fully implement the specs, on the front-end, every browser provider has the liberty of choosing which parts are supported - while common events like click will most probably be supported by everything on the markets this is not a guarantee as you dive deeper into more advanced functionalities. However, the Web API's specification documentation does a great job of tracking the support of the major browser by all of its specified features, for example, here the Browser Compatibility of the MouseEvent
can be consulted.
For an excelent introduction to the Web API's, please check the official presentation on Mozzila's Page
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 31787
As suggested by @AlexJ
The event you passed through $event
is a DOM event, therefore you can use the EventName
as the type.
In your case this event is a MouseEvent
, and the docs says, quoting
The MouseEvent interface represents events that occur due to the user interacting with a pointing device (such as a mouse). Common events using this interface include click, dblclick, mouseup, mousedown.
In all those cases you'll get a MouseEvent
Another example : if you have this code
<input type="text" (blur)="event($event)"
When the event triggers you'll get a FocusEvent
So you can do it really simple, console log the event and you'll see a message similar to this one that'll we have the event name
FocusEvent {isTrusted: true, relatedTarget: null, view: Window, detail: 0, which: 0…}
You can always visit the docs for a list of existing Events.
You can also check for TypeScript dom.generated.d.ts
with all the typings ported. In your case stopPropagation()
is part of Event
, extended by MouseEvent
Upvotes: 105
Reputation: 86790
According to official event
is of type Object
, also in my case when i typecaste event
to the Object it does't throw any error, but after reading documentation of angular2 found event
is of type EventEmitter
so you can type caste your event into EventEmitter
see here is plunkr for the same
for more info refer here!#event-binding
Upvotes: 3