Reputation: 1
So I have this function for hashing internal strings, but when I try to run it Visual Studio 2015 gives me a Debug Assertion Failed! Error:
Program: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\MSVCP140D.dll
File: c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 14.0\vc\include\vector
Line: 1232
Expression: vector subscript out of range
Now the first time InternalString gets called I get this error and it breaks on the gStringIdTable.find(sid) line.
static std::unordered_map<StringId, const char*> gStringIdTable;
StringId InternalString(const char* string) {
StringId sid = std::hash<std::string>()(string);
std::unordered_map<StringId, const char*>::iterator it = gStringIdTable.find(sid);
if (it == gStringIdTable.end()) {
gStringIdTable.insert({sid, string});
return sid;
I thought maybe it was a problem with the way I was initializing the iterator so I figured I'd try this:
if (gStringIdTable.find(sid) == gStringIdTable.end()) {
gStringIdTable.insert({sid, string});
But that gives me the same error. Then I thought maybe it had to do with doing the find before the unordered_map was populated with anything so I tried ONLY doing an insert in the function. But that too gave me the same error. I tried converting the const char* to std::string, and then only dealing with strings in the unordered_map at this answer's suggestion, but got the same error. I tried using emplace instead of insert, tried using std::make_pair, but all combinations to no avail.
Now, am I missing something obviously wrong, or is there bug somewhere?
Okay so here is a compiling version where I still get the error. I started an empty c++ project in visual studio 2015 and added these 3 files to match how it is currently implemented in my project:
#include "stringid.h"
const static mynamespace::StringId kSidOne = mynamespace::InternalString("One");
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0;
#include "stringid.h"
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace mynamespace {
static std::unordered_map<StringId, std::string*> gStringIdTable;
StringId InternalString(const char* string) {
StringId sid = std::hash<std::string>()(string);
if (gStringIdTable.find(sid) == gStringIdTable.end()) {
gStringIdTable.emplace(sid, new std::string(string));
return sid;
} // mynamespace
#ifndef STRINGID_H_
#define STRINGID_H_
namespace mynamespace {
typedef unsigned int StringId;
StringId InternalString(const char* string);
} // mynamespace
#endif // STRINGID_H_
I also did some debugging into the functions to see if I could figure out where the problem is arising from and it looked like when the find function grabs the relevant bucket it returns null or 0 and then the _Begin function throws and error because the size is equal to zero.
I also tried compiling with gcc. It compiles fine, but I still get an error on find().
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Views: 3205
Reputation: 393709
You're keying the hash table with... a hash.
That's an error. The hash is not unique.
What you want to do is to key the hash table with... a key!
How the table hashes is an implementation detail and you shouldn't see on the outside.
Simplest way to fix this would be to e.g. use std::unordered_set<std::string>
#include <unordered_set>
const char* InternalString(const char* string) {
static std::unordered_set<std::string> s_table;
std::unordered_set<std::string>::iterator it = s_table.find(string);
return (it != s_table.end())? it->c_str() : s_table.insert(string).first->c_str();
#include <cassert>
int main() {
auto a = InternalString("HelloWorld" + 5);
auto b = InternalString("World");
assert(a == b);
The assert verifies ok, since World
and World
match, even though the raw pointer was different.
You can make this a lot more efficietn (by e.g. using some set with a custom key comparator)
Upvotes: 2