Reputation: 440
Hey I tried to implement a min heap in javascript, but i had a question regarding the algorithm for remove min. I'm using an array to represent the heap internally. When I'm percolating downwards, what should be the stopping condition? In my code I have it at 2 * k <= this.size so it would travel down to potentially the very last element, but it doesn't feel "correct", is there a better stopping condition? Thanks in advance!
this.removeMin = function () {
//replace root with last element and percolate downwards
var min = this._heap[1],
this._heap[1] = this._heap.pop();
k = 1;
while ( ( 2 * k ) <= this.size) {
left = 2 * k;
right = 2 * k + 1;
if (this._heap[k] > this._heap[left] && this._heap[k] > this._heap[right]) {
if (this._heap[left] <= this._heap[right]) {
swap(this._heap, k, left);
k = left;
} else {
swap(this._heap, k, right);
k = right;
} else if (this._heap[k] > this._heap[left]) {
swap(this._heap, k, left);
k = left;
} else {
swap(this._heap, k, right);
k = right;
return min;
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Views: 2762
Reputation: 31
This is a much easier implementation, I hope this can help.
class MinHeap {
constructor(array) {
this.heap = this.buildHeap(array);
// O(n) time | O(1) space
buildHeap(array) {
const firstParentIdx = Math.floor((array.length - 2) / 2);
for (let currentIdx = firstParentIdx; currentIdx >= 0; currentIdx--) {
this.siftDown(currentIdx, array.length - 1, array);
return array;
// O(log(n)) time | O(1) space
siftDown(currentIdx, endIdx, heap) {
let childOneIdx = currentIdx * 2 + 1;
while (childOneIdx <= endIdx) {
const childTwoIdx = currentIdx * 2 + 2 <= endIdx ? currentIdx * 2 + 2 : -1;
let idxToSwap;
if (childTwoIdx !== -1 && heap[childTwoIdx] < heap[childOneIdx]) {
idxToSwap = childTwoIdx;
} else {
idxToSwap = childOneIdx;
if (heap[idxToSwap] < heap[currentIdx]) {
this.swap(currentIdx, idxToSwap, heap);
currentIdx = idxToSwap;
childOneIdx = currentIdx * 2 + 1;
} else {
// O(log(n)) time | O(1) space
siftUp(currentIdx, heap) {
let parentIdx = Math.floor((currentIdx - 1) / 2);
while (currentIdx > 0 && heap[currentIdx] < heap[parentIdx]) {
this.swap(currentIdx, parentIdx, heap);
currentIdx = parentIdx;
parentIdx = Math.floor((currentIdx - 1) / 2);
// O(1) time | O(1) space
peek() {
return this.heap[0];
// O(log(n)) time | O(1) space
remove() {
this.swap(0, this.heap.length - 1, this.heap);
const valueToRemove = this.heap.pop();
this.siftDown(0, this.heap.length - 1, this.heap);
return valueToRemove;
// O(log(n)) time | O(1) space
insert(value) {
this.siftUp(this.heap.length - 1, this.heap);
swap(i, j, heap) {
[heap[i], heap[j]] = [heap[j], heap[i]];
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1751
Why you are writing compare code again and again. Sharing below code for reference which will optimize your code, you can replace it with your while loop.
while (2 * k <= this.size) {
let j = 2 * key;
if (j < this.size && less(j, j + 1)) j++; // find smallest child
if (!less(k, j)) break; // check parent is lesser than smallest child or not
exch(k, j); //if parent is bigger then exchange
k = j; //keep checking untill reaches to the end(this.size)
function less(i, j){
if(this._heap[j] < this._heap[i] < 0) return true;
else return false;
function exch(i, j){
let temp = this._heap[i];
this._heap[i] = this._heap[j];
this._heap[j] = temp;
Hope this works.
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Reputation: 898
I think you miss one if condition. When the k element is both less than the right and the left, the downwards must stop. It must be:
if (this._heap[k] > this._heap[left] && this._heap[k] > this._heap[right]) {
if (this._heap[left] <= this._heap[right]) {
swap(this._heap, k, left);
k = left;
} else {
swap(this._heap, k, right);
k = right;
} else if (this._heap[k] > this._heap[left]) {
swap(this._heap, k, left);
k = left;
} else if(this._heap[k] < this._heap[right]) {
swap(this._heap, k, right);
k = right;
Upvotes: 1