I have a variable that is a function of tapply
meanx <- with(dat2, tapply(x, list(type,status), mean))
The out put reads as follows :
Status 1 Status2
Type 1 11.99 9.8
Type 2 88.8 100
I also have confidence intervals for the 4 means
xCI <- c(meanx - qnorm(0.975, mean=0, sd=1)*serrorx,
meanx + qnorm(0.975, mean=0, sd=1)*serrorx)
I want to plot a simple gglpot2 barplot, with the confidence intervals. Since the meanx is a tapply function, I get stuck every time I try to use it. Its very tedious to save it as a new variable with a string of values and use it either in the normal barplot or ggplot2. Any help will be appreciated. (I am a newbie at gglopt2)
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One possibility is converting your table output to a data.frame, and passing that to ggplot. An alternative that may be simpler would be to use the stat_summary function to compute the summary statistics in the ggplot framework.
## Sample data
dat2 <- data.frame(
type=paste("Type ", sample(1:2, 50, TRUE)),
status=paste("Status ", sample(1:2, 50, TRUE)),
x = runif(50)
ggplot(dat2, aes(interaction(type, status, sep = "/"), x)) +
stat_summary(geom="bar", fun.y=mean, fill="lightblue") +
stat_summary(geom="errorbar",, color="red", width=0.4) +
theme_bw() +
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