
Reputation: 731

Select a Google Maps Polygon outside map control and modify properties

I'm trying to modify a polygon when an event is triggered outside the map control and seem to be hitting a brick wall.

i have a series of divs to the right of my map and would like to change the strokeweight property on the polygon to a heavier line when the mouseenter event is fired and reset it to the default when the mouse leave is triggered.

i would also like to be able to select the polygon when they click on this div

$( ".zonal" ).mouseenter(function() {
  for (var i = 0; i < gPolygons.length; i++) {
   if(gPolygons[i].id == $(this).attr('id')) 
       gPolygons[i].setOptions({strokeWeight: 6.0});       

$( ".zonal" ).mouseleave(function() {
  for (var i = 0; i < gPolygons.length; i++) {
   if(gPolygons[i].id == $(this).attr('id')) 
       gPolygons[i].setOptions({strokeWeight: 2.0}); 

i have pushed the polygons out to an array and tried using the following but it doesn't work

gPolygons[i].setOptions({strokeWeight: 6.0}); 

Here is a visual of what im trying to do, so when they hover over zone 1 the border line of the polygon will get thicker and if the click on the div the relevant polygon will be selected.

Any help appreciated guys

enter image description here

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Views: 2630

Answers (1)


Reputation: 161334

I see the following javascript error in the console: Uncaught TypeError: gPolygons[i].setOptions is not a function.

The poly object you are pushing on to both the gPolygons and the polygons arrays is not a google.maps.Polygon object, so it doesn't have a setOptions method.

function formPolygon(shapePoly){
  var shapeid = shapePoly.get('id');
  var res = (shapePoly.getPath().getArray());
  var coordsArr = iterateCoords(res);
  // this is not a google.maps.Polygon:
  var poly = {id:shapeid,coords:coordsArr, polycolor:shapePoly.get('fillColor')}
  polygons = $.grep(polygons, function(e){ 
    return e.id != shapeid; 
  // push the reference to the google.maps.Polygon into the array

updated fiddle

highlighted Polygon

code snippet:

var zVal = 999999999;
var polygons = [];
var gPolygons = [];
var curID = "";
var mapMain;
$('#tt').click(function() {
  var res = (selectedShape.getPath().getArray());

$('#tt2').click(function() {

$(".zonal").mouseenter(function() {
  for (var i = 0; i < gPolygons.length; i++) {
    if (gPolygons[i].id == $(this).attr('id')) {
        strokeWeight: 6.0

$(".zonal").mouseleave(function() {
  for (var i = 0; i < gPolygons.length; i++) {
    if (gPolygons[i].id == $(this).attr('id')) {
        strokeWeight: 2.0

$('.zonal').click(function() {
  var testid = $(this).attr('id');
  curID = testid;
var drawingManager;
var selectedShape;
var colors = ['#1E90FF', '#32CD32', '#FF8C00', '#4B0082'];
var selectedColor;
var colorButtons = {};

function clearSelection() {
  if (selectedShape) {
    selectedShape = null;


function checkIDSet(e, a) {
  if ($('#hdActive').val() == "") {
    alert('Please select a zone');
    return false;

function setSelection(shape) {
  selectedShape = shape;
  selectColor(shape.get('fillColor') || shape.get('strokeColor'));

function deleteSelectedShape() {
  if (selectedShape) {
    $('#' + selectedShape.id).attr("disabled", false);

function selectColor(color) {
  selectedColor = color;
  for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) {
    var currColor = colors[i];
    colorButtons[currColor].style.border = currColor == color ? '2px solid #789' : '2px solid #fff';

  // Retrieves the current options from the drawing manager and replaces the
  // stroke or fill color as appropriate.
  var polylineOptions = drawingManager.get('polylineOptions');
  polylineOptions.strokeColor = color;
  drawingManager.set('polylineOptions', polylineOptions);

  var rectangleOptions = drawingManager.get('rectangleOptions');
  rectangleOptions.fillColor = color;
  drawingManager.set('rectangleOptions', rectangleOptions);

  var circleOptions = drawingManager.get('circleOptions');
  circleOptions.fillColor = color;
  drawingManager.set('circleOptions', circleOptions);

  var polygonOptions = drawingManager.get('polygonOptions');
  polygonOptions.fillColor = color;
  polygonOptions.strokeColor = color;
  drawingManager.set('polygonOptions', polygonOptions);

function formPolygon(shapePoly) {
  var shapeid = shapePoly.get('id');
  var res = (shapePoly.getPath().getArray());
  var coordsArr = iterateCoords(res);
  var poly = {
    id: shapeid,
    coords: coordsArr,
    polycolor: shapePoly.get('fillColor')
  polygons = $.grep(polygons, function(e) {
    return e.id != shapeid;

function iterateCoords(arr) {
  var coords = [];
  var base = arr.toString();
  base = base.replace(/\(/g, "");
  var baseArr = base.split("),");
  $(baseArr).each(function(key, value) {
    var cObj = value.toString();
    var tcObj = cObj.split(',');
    var c = {
      lat: tcObj[0].toString(),
      lon: tcObj[1].toString()
  return coords;

function deletePolygon(shapePoly) {
  var shapeid = shapePoly.get('id');
  var res = (shapePoly.getPath().getArray());
  var poly = {
    id: shapeid,
    coords: res,
    polycolor: shapePoly.get('fillcolor')
  polygons = $.grep(polygons, function(e) {
    return e.id != shapeid;

function setSelectedShapeColor(color) {
  if (selectedShape) {
    if (selectedShape.type == google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.POLYLINE) {
      selectedShape.set('strokeColor', color);
    } else {
      selectedShape.set('fillColor', color);

function makeColorButton(color) {
  var button = document.createElement('span');
  button.className = 'color-button';
  button.style.backgroundColor = color;
  google.maps.event.addDomListener(button, 'click', function() {

  return button;

function buildColorPalette() {
  var colorPalette = document.getElementById('color-palette');
  for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) {
    var currColor = colors[i];
    var colorButton = makeColorButton(currColor);
    colorButtons[currColor] = colorButton;

function initialize() {
  var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    zoom: 15,
    center: new google.maps.LatLng(55.034997, -7.193612),
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP,
    disableDefaultUI: true,
    zoomControl: true
  mapMain = map;
  var polyOptions = {
    strokeWeight: 2,
    fillOpacity: 0.25,
    id: $('#hdActive').val(),
    zIndex: zVal,
    editable: true
  // Creates a drawing manager attached to the map that allows the user to draw
  // markers, lines, and shapes.
  drawingManager = new google.maps.drawing.DrawingManager({
    drawingMode: google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.POLYGON,
    markerOptions: {
      draggable: false,
      icon: 'http://www.myiconfinder.com/uploads/iconsets/256-256-a5485b563efc4511e0cd8bd04ad0fe9e.png'
    polylineOptions: {
      editable: true
    rectangleOptions: polyOptions,
    circleOptions: polyOptions,
    polygonOptions: polyOptions,
    drawingControlOptions: {
      position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_CENTER,
      drawingModes: [
    map: map
  var iwfMarker = new google.maps.Marker({
    position: {
      lat: 55.034997,
      lng: -7.193612
    icon: 'http://www.myiconfinder.com/uploads/iconsets/256-256-a5485b563efc4511e0cd8bd04ad0fe9e.png',
    map: map
  google.maps.event.addListener(drawingManager, 'overlaycomplete', function(e) {
    zVal = zVal - 1000000;
    if (e.type != google.maps.drawing.OverlayType.MARKER) {
      // Switch back to non-drawing mode after drawing a shape.

      // Add an event listener that selects the newly-drawn shape when the user
      // mouses down on it.
      var newShape = e.overlay;

      //Check to see if the shape has an id if not alert user to pick a zone
      newShape.type = e.type;
      newShape.id = curID;
      newShape.set('zIndex', zVal);
      $('#' + curID).addClass("set", true);
      google.maps.event.addListener(newShape, 'click', function() {
        if (this.id == "" || this.id == null) {
          alert('no id');

  // Clear the current selection when the drawing mode is changed, or when the
  // map is clicked.
  google.maps.event.addListener(drawingManager, 'drawingmode_changed', clearSelection);
  google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', clearSelection);
  google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.getElementById('delete-button'), 'click', deleteSelectedShape);

  google.maps.event.addDomListener(document.getElementById('map'), 'click', checkIDSet);

google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
#zonalCont {
   position: relative;
 .zonal {
   width: 30%;
   border: 2px solid blue;
   background-color: #cecece;
   height: 55px;
   border-bottom: 20px;
 .zonal.set {
   width: 30%;
   border: 2px solid blue;
   background-color: red;
   height: 55px;
   border-bottom: 20px;
 body {
   padding: 0;
   margin: 0;
   height: 100%;
 #panel {
   width: 200px;
   font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
   font-size: 13px;
   float: right;
   margin: 10px;
 #color-palette {
   clear: both;
 .color-button {
   width: 14px;
   height: 14px;
   font-size: 0;
   margin: 2px;
   float: left;
   cursor: pointer;
 #delete-button {
   margin-top: 5px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?libraries=drawing&key=AIzaSyCkUOdZ5y7hMm0yrcCQoCvLwzdM6M8s5qk"></script>
<span id="tt">Test</span>
<span id="tt2">Test Sel</span>
<div id="panel">
    <div class='zonalCont'>
      <div id="zone1" class="zonal">Zone 1</div>
    <div class='zonalCont'>
      <div id="zone2" class="zonal">Zone 2</div>
    <div class='zonalCont'>
      <div id="zone3" class="zonal">Zone 3</div>
    <div class='zonalCont'>
      <div id="zone4" class="zonal">Zone 4</div>
  <div id="color-palette"></div>
    <button id="delete-button">Delete Selected Shape</button>
    <input type="text" id="zInd" />

<div id="map"></div>
<div id="mapOverlay" style="position:absolute;left:0;top:0;width:75%;height:100%;background-color:#fff;opacity:0.5;text-align:center">
  <h2 style="line-height:15em">Select A Zone</h2>
<input type="hidden" class="hdAct" id="hdActive" value="" />

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