Reputation: 25580
In Vim, key k
moves the cursor one line up. If I map key e
to key k
: noremap e k
, then when I press e
the cursor moves one line up and one position to the right. Why does it happen? Is it some Vim plugin interferes with noremap
or I am missing something? How to debug it?
My .vimrc file:
" Use spaces instead of tabs
set expandtab
" 1 tab == 4 spaces
set shiftwidth=4
set tabstop=4
" Set vim to be noncompatible with vi.
" There is no funky behavior with arrow keys this way.
set nocompatible
" Configure backspace so it acts as it should act
set backspace=indent,eol,start
" Solarized color scheme
syntax enable
colorscheme SolarizedDarkCinnamon
" Underline the cursor line.
set cursorline
hi CursorLine term=bold cterm=bold
" allow to copy from and to clipboard
set clipboard=unnamedplus
" Set autoindentation
set autoindent
" Uncomment the following to have Vim jump to the last position when
" reopening a file
if has("autocmd")
au BufReadPost * if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$")
\| exe "normal! g'\"" | endif
let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_completion = 1
let g:ycm_autoclose_preview_window_after_insertion = 1
set iminsert=0
set imsearch=0
Upvotes: 1
Views: 106
Reputation: 32966
My guess is that you have a trailing whitespace in your mapping definition. Remove it.
Upvotes: 2