Reputation: 330
I'm trying to properly stub the ehCache API used by Play Framework. In particular, its getOrElse function with signature:
def getOrElse[A: ClassTag](key: String, expiration: Duration)(orElse: => A)
Within my specs 2 code, I have:
val mockCache = mock[EhCacheApi]
mockCache.getOrElse[???](anyString,anyObject[Duration])(???) returns
[Object I'd like returned]
Question is if it's possible to use matchers for the ??? parts, especially for the currying argument part.
The return type for the CacheApi function should be Future[Seq[Object]] .
Public git repo link: Github
Upvotes: 1
Views: 769
Reputation: 15557
This works
class VariationAssignmentSpec(implicit ee: ExecutionEnv) extends PlaySpecification with Mockito {
case class Variation(id: Option[Long] = None)
lazy val v1 = Variation(Option(1L))
lazy val v2 = Variation(Option(2L))
"Cache#getOrElse" should {
"return correct result" in {
val mockCache = mock[CacheApi]
mockCache.getOrElse[Future[Seq[Variation]]](anyString, any[Duration])(any)(any) returns
Future(Seq(v1, v2))
val resultFuture: Future[Seq[Variation]] =
mockCache.getOrElse("cache.key", 10.seconds)(Future(Seq(v1,v2)))
resultFuture must equalTo(Seq(v1,v2)).await
Upvotes: 2