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Reputation: 33

How to assign password to secure string in VB Script

I have a script comprising of batch files that generate powershell scripts. I've taken it upon myself to accomplish the same task via VB Script. So far I've assigned most of the info I need to strings. But I would like to have a prompt for a password that is stored as a secure string and can be outputted to a text file for later use in further scripts. So far the only code I've found doesn't work I think perhaps because it was intended for VB rather than VBS. Any help greatly appreciated.

The powershell code previously used was.

    echo Please enter admin credentials (This will be stored in a secure string:
    powershell -Command "& { read-host -assecurestring | convertfrom- securestring | out-file C:\S3BS\reports\input.txt; } "

Upvotes: 0

Views: 3100

Answers (3)


Reputation: 18847

I think this function PasswordBox can help you, just give a try ;)

' Just an example of how to use the function
 wsh.echo "You entered: ", _
          Join(PasswordBox("Enter UID and password", _
               "Testing"), ", ")

 ' A function to present a Password dialog in a VBS (WSF) 
 ' script
 ' Requires WScript version 5.1+
 ' Tom Lavedas <[email protected]>
 ' with help from and thanks to Joe Ernest and 
 ' Michael Harris
 ' modified 1/2008 to handle IE7
 Function PasswordBox(sPrompt,sDefault)
   set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
   With oIE
 ' Configure the IE window
     .RegisterAsDropTarget = False
     .statusbar = false : .toolbar    = false
     .menubar   = false : .addressbar = false
     .Resizable = False 
     .Navigate "about:blank"
     Do Until .ReadyState = 4 : WScript.Sleep 50 : Loop
 ' Test for IE 7 - cannot remove 'chrome' in that version
     sVersion  = .document.parentWindow.navigator.appVersion  
     if instr(sVersion, "MSIE 7.0") = 0 Then .FullScreen = True 
     .width = 400       : .height = 270
 ' Create the password box document
     With .document
       oIE.left = .parentWindow.screen.width \ 2 - 200  = .parentWindow.screen.height\ 2 - 100
       .write "<html><head><" & "script>bboxwait=true;</" _
            & "script><title>Password _</title></head>"_
            & "<body bgColor=silver scroll=no " _
            & "language=vbs style='border-" _ 
            & "style:outset;border-Width:3px'" _
            & " onHelp='window.event.returnvalue=false" _
            & ":window.event.cancelbubble=true'" _
            & " oncontextmenu=" _ 
            & "'window.event.returnvalue=false" _
            & ":window.event.cancelbubble=true'" _
            & " onkeydown='if ((window.event.keycode>111)"_
            & " and  (window.event.keycode<117)) or" _
            & " window.event.ctrlkey then" _
            & " window.event.keycode=0" _
            & ":window.event.cancelbubble=true" _
            & ":window.event.returnvalue=false'" _
            & " onkeypress='if window.event.keycode=13" _
            & " then bboxwait=false'><center>" _
            & "<div style='padding:10px;background-color:lightblue'>" _
            & "<b>&nbsp" & sPrompt & "<b>&nbsp</div><p>" _
            & "<table bgcolor=cornsilk cellspacing=10><tr><td>" _
            & " <b>User:</b></td><td>" _
            & "<input type=text size=10 id=user value='" _
            & sDefault & "'>" _
            & "</td><tr><td> <b>Password:</b></td><td>" _
            & "<input type=password size=12 id=pass>" _ 
            & "</td></tr></table><br>" _
            & "<button onclick='bboxwait=false;'>" _
            & "&nbsp;Okay&nbsp;" _
            & "</button> &nbsp; <button onclick=" _
            & "'document.all.user.value=""CANCELLED"";" _
            & "document.all.pass.value="""";" _
            & "bboxwait=false;'>Cancel" _
            & "</button></center></body></html>"
       Do Until .ReadyState = "complete" : WScript.Sleep 100 : Loop
       .all.user.focus ' Optional
       oIE.Visible = True
         .Appactivate "Password _"
       PasswordBox = Array("CANCELLED")
       On Error Resume Next
       Do While .parentWindow.bBoxWait
         if Err Then Exit Function
         WScript.Sleep 100
       oIE.Visible = False
       PasswordBox = Array(.all.user.value, _
     End With ' document
   End With   ' IE
 End Function

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 18847

You can use this small code with powershell and batch

Title Type a password with powershell and batch
Mode con cols=50 lines=3
cls & color 0A & echo.
set MyPassword=Hackoo
set "psCommand=powershell -Command "$pword = read-host 'Enter your password' -AsSecureString ; ^
    $BSTR=[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($pword); ^
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%p in (`%psCommand%`) do set password=%%p
if %MyPassword%==%password% (Goto:Good) else (Goto:Bad)
Cls & Color 0A
echo                   Good Password
TimeOut /T 2 /NoBreak>nul
Cls & Color 0C
echo                   Bad password
TimeOut /T 1 /NoBreak>nul

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 16682

If you are executing the VBScript via cscript.exe something like;

cscript.exe /nologo "test.vbs"

You can use the WScript object to access the StdIn (for input) and StdOut (for output) streams to the command window using a script like this;

Function PromptForInput(prompt)
  Dim prog : prog = WScript.Fullname
  If LCase(Right(prog, 12)) = "\cscript.exe" Then
    Call WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(prompt & " ")
    PromptForInput = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine()
    Call Err.Raise(vbObjectError + 5, "Must be called from cscript.exe")
  End If
End Function

Dim input
input = PromptForInput("Did you wish to continue? [Y/N]")
Select Case UCase(input)
Case "Y", "N"
  Call WScript.StdOut.Writeline("You chose: " & UCase(input))
Case Else
  Call WScript.StdOut.Writeline("Invalid option!")
End Select


Did you wish to continue? [Y/N]
You chose: Y

You can adapt it to prompt for passwords but be aware that the input is not hidden so all the characters typed are visible in the command window until it's closed.

Upvotes: -1

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