
Reputation: 87

forkIO seems to block on haskell websocket server

I'm running a haskell websocket server using Wai:

application :: MVar ServerState -> Wai.Application
application state = WaiWS.websocketsOr WS.defaultConnectionOptions wsApp staticApp
    wsApp :: WS.ServerApp
    wsApp pendingConn = do
      conn <- WS.acceptRequest pendingConn 
      talk conn state

To allow a single client to send asynchronous messages, talk is defined as follows:

talk :: WS.Connection -> MVar ServerState -> IO ()
talk conn state = forever $ do
  msg <- WS.receiveMessage conn

  putStrLn "received message"

  successLock <- newEmptyMVar 
  tid <- timeoutAsync successLock $ processMessage c state msg

  putStrLn "forked thread"

  modifyMVar_ state $ \curState -> 
    return $ curState & threads %~ (M.insert mid tid) -- thread bookkeeping

  putStrLn "modified state"

  putMVar successLock ()
  putStrLn "unlocked success"

    mid                 = serverMessageId msg
    timeoutAsync lock f = forkIO $ do
      timeout S.process_message_timeout onTimeout (onSuccess lock) f
    onSuccess lock      = do
      -- block until the first modifyMVar_ above finishes.
      takeMVar lock
      modifyMVar_ state $ \curState -> 
        return $ curState & threads %~ (M.delete mid) -- thread cleanup
    onTimeout = ...

Here's the thing: when I bombard this server with many messages (from a single client) that are CPU-heavy, the the main thread occasionally hangs at "forked thread".

This is surprising because all work on messages are (in theory) being done in separate threads, and so the main thread (forever) should never block.

What's going on here?


A minimum verifiable example is pretty hard to provide in this case (the work is done in processMessage, but comprises a lot of moving parts, any of which might be the problem). Instead, I'm looking for high-level pointers to things I could investigate.

Here is data from an example run (send the server an expensive request, then a bunch of smaller less-expensive ones):

Also, the app has the following properties, which I think are potential causes of the problem:

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Views: 207

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