Reputation: 21
I'm new to Prolog. Is it possible to "declare" a list as a fact in Prolog, and then access it easily? I'm working on a family-tree type problem. To start, I would like to declare a bunch of males as belonging to a list of males. I then would like to be able to query if a particular person is a male. Here is the code I've written so far:
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Facts:
males([john, joseph, aaron, peter, paul, mark, ben, adam, daniel]).
% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- %
% Rules:
% Member of a List
member(X, [X|_]).
member(X, [_|T]) :- member(X, T).
male(X) :- member(X, males).
However, my output is not as expected:
21 ?- male(john).
I know my member() rules are working, since I can produce the following result:
23 ?- member(john, [peter, paul, john]).
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you in advance.
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Views: 193
The usual proper way to do this in Prolog would be to declare your list as a table of facts:
% etc
If you do it like this, you have already defined your male/1
and can query it either like this:
?- male(joseph).
Or like this:
?- male(M).
M = john ;
M = joseph ;
% etc
You can start with Prolog by reading through the first chapter of "Learn Prolog Now!". Its first example is exactly the same as your problem.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 51
I'm not an expert in prolog but I know a solution to this (could be not the only one)
male(X) :- males(Y), member(X, Y)
The way I understand it is that predicates doesn't return variables, they assign values to the parameters given, so Y now have been assigned the array of males and now you can look for X in Y
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