I've been battling this one for a while!
I want to have the 'main app container' which always has the logo, navigation... I want to use react-bootstrap to pretty it up.
At the moment I'm running into problems, my project is based off davezuko's "react-redux-starter-kit"
I tried putting all of my bootstrap <NavBar>
and <LinkContainers>
in the Root container inside the provider.
Everything shows up and looks nice but none of my links work, and when I put a regular react-router <Link>
I would run into the same problems.
I figured, well, links work in the views which is called by routes, so I copied all of this into the routes after export default (store) => (
Babel, eslint and webpack allow this to compile, but when I run the page none of this shows up, and when I take a look the react-dev console, these react nodes don't even appear.
Here's what I have, Root.js:
import React, { PropTypes } from 'react';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import { Router } from 'react-router';
import { IndexLink, Link } from 'react-router';
import NavBar from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Navbar';
import Nav from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Nav';
import NavItem from 'react-bootstrap/lib/NavItem';
import LinkContainer from 'react-router-bootstrap/lib/LinkContainer';
export default class Root extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {
history: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
routes: PropTypes.element.isRequired,
store: PropTypes.object.isRequired
get content () {
return (
<Router history={this.props.history}>
get devTools () {
if (__DEBUG__) {
if (!window.devToolsExtension) {
} else {;
} else if (!window.devToolsExtension) {
const DevTools = require('containers/DevTools').default;
return <DevTools />;
render () {
const styles = require('./../containers/Root.scss');
return (
<Provider store={}>
<div className={styles.Root}>
<Link to='login'>login</Link>
<NavBar fixedTop>
<IndexLink to='/' activeStyle={{color: '#33e0ff'}}>
<div className={styles.brand}></div>
<span>Hero Energy Solutions</span>
<NavBar.Toggle />
<NavBar.Collapse eventKey={0}>
<Nav navbar>
<LinkContainer to='/chat'>
<NavItem eventKey={1}>Chat</NavItem>
<LinkContainer to='/widgets'>
<NavItem eventKey={2}>Widgets</NavItem>
<LinkContainer to='/survey'>
<NavItem eventKey={3}>Survey</NavItem>
<LinkContainer to='/about'>
<NavItem eventKey={4}>About Us</NavItem>
<LinkContainer to='/'>
<NavItem eventKey={5}>Login</NavItem>
import React from 'react';
import { Route, IndexRoute } from 'react-router';
import CoreLayout from 'layouts/CoreLayout/CoreLayout';
import HomeView from 'views/HomeView/HomeView';
import LoginView from 'views/LoginView/LoginView';
import NotFoundView from 'views/NotFoundView/NotFoundView';
import RestrictedView from 'views/RestrictedView/RestrictedView';
import AboutView from 'views/AboutView/AboutView';
import { IndexLink, Link } from 'react-router';
import NavBar from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Navbar';
import Nav from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Nav';
import NavItem from 'react-bootstrap/lib/NavItem';
import LinkContainer from 'react-router-bootstrap/lib/LinkContainer';
import {UserAuthWrapper} from 'redux-auth-wrapper';
import {routerActions} from 'react-router-redux';
const CheckAuth = UserAuthWrapper({
authSelector: (state) => state.user, // how to get the user state
redirectAction: routerActions.replace, // the redux action to dispatch for redirect
wrapperDisplayName: 'CheckAuth', // a nice name for the auth check
failureRedirectPath: 'login' // default anyway but meh!
export default (store) => (
<Route path='/' component={CoreLayout}>
<IndexRoute component={HomeView} />
<Route path='login' component={LoginView} />
<Route path='home' component={HomeView} />
<Route path='about' component={AboutView} />
<Route path='restricted' component={CheckAuth(RestrictedView)} />
<Route path='*' component={NotFoundView}/>
I'm not sure if this is of much help but here's a screen shot of the client side with the react console. Screenshot of react dev console:
Upvotes: 10
Views: 2460
Sorry everyone! The solution is extremely simple.
The CoreLayout
View, is where all of this stuff is supposed to go. My biggest problem was not properly understanding how react-router works! Now that I understand, here's the reasoning:
The Route /
matches all requests that have a /
in it (which is basically all requests). But it is a React Component, that contains other React Components! So the CoreLayout
component is returned, but the content of CoreLayout
is the corresponding View, i.e. About, Home...
You need to include <div> {this.props.children} </div>
In the CoreLayout
View where you want your other sub-views to be rendered (otherwise they won't render!).
Upvotes: 5