Reputation: 910
I'm running the following code:
ExHubic.Request.request({:get, "/account", nil, :hubic}, ExHubic)
and getting the following error:
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol ExHubic.Request not implemented for {:get, "/account", nil, :hubic}
(ex_hubic) lib/request.ex:1: ExHubic.Request.impl_for!/1
(ex_hubic) lib/request.ex:6: ExHubic.Request.request/2
This error message suggests to me that the protocol is not implemented for the type ExHubic.Query.Hubic.t
which is defined as @type t :: {atom, String.t, any, :hubic}
It could well be a problem with the types that I have created but I can't see it.
Some context:
defprotocol ExHubic.Request do
@moduledoc false
@spec request(query :: ExHubic.Query.t, client :: atom)
:: ExHubic.Query.http_query_t
def request(query, client)
defimpl ExHubic.Request, for: ExHubic.Query.Hubic do
@spec request(query :: ExHubic.Query.Hubic.t, client :: atom)
:: {:ok, ExHubic.Client.response_t} | {:error, ExHubic.Client.response_t}
def request({method, uri, params, :hubic} = query, client) do
defmodule ExHubic.Query do
@moduledoc false
@type t :: {atom, String.t, any, atom}
defmodule ExHubic.Query.Hubic do
@type t :: {atom, String.t, any, :hubic}
@spec account() :: __MODULE__.t
def account(), do: {:get, "/account", :nil, :hubic}
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Views: 495
Reputation: 84180
There are a couple of issues here, first of all, you are using an atom (module name) for the protocol. You need to use either a built in type or a struct as described in This means adding a defstruct to the module:
defmodule ExHubic.Query.Hubic do
defstruct [:method, :uri, :params, service: :hubic]
@type t :: %__MODULE__{method: atom, uri: String.t, params: any, service: :hubic}
def account(), do: {:get, "/account", :nil, :hubic}
defprotocol ExHubic.Request do
def request(query, client)
defimpl ExHubic.Request, for: ExHubic.Query.Hubic do
@spec request(Query.t, atom) :: any
def request(query, client) do
IO.inspect query
You can then use this with:
ExHubic.Request.request(%ExHubic.Query.Hubic{method: :get, params: nil, service: :hubic, uri: "/account"}, client)
Upvotes: 3