Reputation: 159
data = EntityValue[CountryData[], {"Name", "Population"}];
All I get is this:
WordCloud[{{"Afghanistan", Quantity[35623235, "People"]}, {"Albania",
Quantity[3248655, "People"]}, {"Algeria",
Quantity[37473690, "People"]}, {"American Samoa",
Quantity[54719, "People"]}, {"Andorra",
Quantity[85458, "People"]}, {"Angola", .....
And not any graphic
Upvotes: 1
Views: 177
Reputation: 161
I was able to get a word cloud in version 10.0 by using Heike's code, but I had to remove the part concerning a custom distance function since it slows down this version unbelievably.
data = << "";
range = {Min[data[[All, 2]]], Max[data[[All, 2]]]};
words = Style[#1, FontFamily -> "Times", FontWeight -> Bold,
FontColor ->
Hue[RandomReal[], RandomReal[{.5, 1}], RandomReal[{.5, 1}]],
FontSize -> Rescale[#2, range, {12, 70}]] & @@@ data;
wordsimg =
ImagePad[#, -3 -
BorderDimensions[#]] & /@ (Image[
Graphics[Text[Framed[#, FrameMargins -> 2]]]] & /@ words);
wordsimgRot =
ImageRotate[#, RandomReal[2 Pi], Background -> White] & /@ wordsimg;
iteration2[img1_, w_] :=
Module[{imdil, centre, diff, dimw, padding, padded1, minpos},
dimw = ImageDimensions[w];
padded1 = ImagePad[img1, {dimw[[1]] {1, 1}, dimw[[2]] {1, 1}}, 1];
imdil =
ImageCorrelate[Binarize[ColorNegate[padded1], 0.05],
Dilation[Binarize[ColorNegate[w], .05], 1]]];
centre = ImageDimensions[padded1]/2;
minpos =
Reverse@Nearest[Position[Reverse[ImageData[imdil]], 0],
Sow[minpos - centre];
diff = ImageDimensions[imdil] - dimw;
padding[pos_] := Transpose[{#, diff - #} &@Round[pos - dimw/2]];
ImagePad[#, (-Min[#] {1, 1}) & /@ BorderDimensions[#]] &@
ImageMultiply[padded1, ImagePad[w, padding[minpos], 1]]]
Then you can get two different word clouds, with or without random rotations,
{Fold[iteration2, wordsimgRot[[1]], Rest@wordsimgRot],
Fold[iteration2, wordsimg[[1]], Rest@wordsimg]}
These compare quite well with what you get in version 10.3 with WordCloud[data]
Upvotes: 1