Reputation: 339
I am new in Entity framework. I have a simple project using code-first approach.
This is codes:
public class Student
public Student()
public int id { get; set; }
public string StudentName { get; set; }
public class SchoolContext:DbContext
public SchoolContext() : base()
public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
Student aa = new Student(); ;
aa.StudentName = "eeee";
using (var scContext = new SchoolContext())
The connection string automatic create by Entity framework:
Data Source=(localdb)\mssqllocaldb;Initial Catalog=EFExample.Model.SchoolContext;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True
I installed sqlserver 2012 express, with 2 instances:
When i ran the program, i get an error :
*An unhandled exception of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException' occurred in EntityFramework.dll
Additional information: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL*
<!-- For more information on Entity Framework configuration, visit -->
<section name="entityFramework" type="System.Data.Entity.Internal.ConfigFile.EntityFrameworkSection, EntityFramework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" requirePermission="false" />
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.2" />
<defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.LocalDbConnectionFactory, EntityFramework">
<parameter value="mssqllocaldb" />
<provider invariantName="System.Data.SqlClient" type="System.Data.Entity.SqlServer.SqlProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServer" />
Please help me what is wrong? Thank in advance.
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Views: 2077
Reputation: 11
i ran into similar troubles, it seemed first to the sql server 2016 a setup problem, than some missing connection string in the web.config file. for the code first in mvc one line made it:
e.g. my Model class is BeispielDb derived from DbContext thereafter the 'ctor' has mandatory to invoke the base 'ctor' with the db connection string:
public BeispielDb() : base("name=DefaultConnection")
the constructor has fed the DbContext(base class) constructor with the DefaultConnection string from the web.config.
Have a nice day and keep well,
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
i ran into similar troubles, it seemed first to the sql server 2016 a setup problem, than some missing connection string in the web.config file. for the code first in mvc one line made it:
public OdeToFoodDb() : base("name=DefaultConnection") {
Upvotes: 0
I'd suggest explicitly adding your own connectionstring in the app.config
<add connectionString="Data Source=.\SQL_INSTANCE_NAME;Initial Catalog=DBName;Connection Timeout=60;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=False" name="DbConnectionString" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
Upvotes: 1