Reputation: 1315
I am trying to get the file using google drive api, by default the file is not shareable i want to make it shareable.
Here is my code:-
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
// The Browser API key obtained from the Google Developers Console.
// Replace with your own Browser API key, or your own key.
var developerKey = 'XXXXXXXXXX_ff_NX66eb-XXXXXXXXXXX';
// The Client ID obtained from the Google Developers Console. Replace with your own Client ID.
var clientId = ""
// Replace with your own App ID. (Its the first number in your Client ID)
var appId = "XXXXXXXXXX";
// Scope to use to access user's Drive items.
var scope = [''];
var pickerApiLoaded = false;
var oauthToken;
$scope.addGoogleDriveFile = function() {
gapi.load('auth', {'callback': onAuthApiLoad});
gapi.load('picker', {'callback': onPickerApiLoad});
function onAuthApiLoad() {
'client_id': clientId,
'scope': scope,
'immediate': false
function onPickerApiLoad() {
pickerApiLoaded = true;
function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
oauthToken = authResult.access_token;
// Create and render a Picker object for searching images.
function createPicker() {
if (pickerApiLoaded && oauthToken) {
var view = new google.picker.View(google.picker.ViewId.DOCS);
var picker = new google.picker.PickerBuilder()
.addView(new google.picker.DocsUploadView())
// A simple callback implementation.
function pickerCallback(data) {
if (data.action == google.picker.Action.PICKED) {
gapi.client.load('drive', 'v2').then(function() {
var request ={
request.execute(function(resp) {
I am getting the following response:-
"kind": "drive#file",
"id": "0B2Tb9btqdPGHeDl2NU5mYXRIaGc",
"etag": "\"rCKCAyesbPCaBxGt0eDJcEBQNUI/MTQ1ODgxNDU0MDg2NA\"",
"selfLink": "",
"webContentLink": "",
"alternateLink": "",
"iconLink": "",
"thumbnailLink": "
"title": "POTSS-2012.pdf",
"mimeType": "application/pdf",
"labels": {
"starred": false,
"hidden": false,
"trashed": false,
"restricted": false,
"viewed": true
"createdDate": "2016-03-24T09:57:00.978Z",
"modifiedDate": "2016-03-24T10:15:40.864Z",
"modifiedByMeDate": "2016-03-24T09:57:00.978Z",
"lastViewedByMeDate": "2016-03-24T09:57:00.978Z",
"markedViewedByMeDate": "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"version": "130",
"parents": [
"kind": "drive#parentReference",
"id": "0AGTb9btqdPGHUk9PVA",
"selfLink": ""
"parentLink": "",
"isRoot": true
"downloadUrl": "
"userPermission": {
"kind": "drive#permission",
"etag": "\"rCKCAyesbPCaBxGt0eDJcEBQNUI/QKpDIyepJ3z6YHq0L3ksgvrZLSo\"",
"id": "me",
"selfLink": ""
"role": "owner",
"type": "user"
"originalFilename": "POTSS-2012.pdf",
"fileExtension": "pdf",
"md5Checksum": "5b60cd94d0c0647c8828a60b8ce7efe4",
"fileSize": "519097",
"quotaBytesUsed": "519097",
"ownerNames": [
"xxxxx IT"
"owners": [
"kind": "drive#user",
"displayName": "xxxx IT",
"isAuthenticatedUser": true,
"permissionId": "07489391032112366212",
"emailAddress": "it%xxxx [email protected]"
"lastModifyingUserName": "xxxxx IT",
"lastModifyingUser": {
"kind": "drive#user",
"displayName": "xxxx IT",
"isAuthenticatedUser": true,
"permissionId": "07489391032112366212",
"emailAddress": "it%[email protected]"
"editable": true,
"copyable": true,
"writersCanShare": true,
"shared": false,
"explicitlyTrashed": false,
"appDataContents": false,
"headRevisionId": "0B2Tb9btqdPGHT0pGV1FRRis0MmlJVmZsOE5uMU5UK2FNR0g0PQ",
"spaces": [
Here i want to change "shared": true Instead of "shared": false
How can i change its permission?
Any Idea?
Upvotes: 5
Views: 6111
Reputation: 671
@arun you may want to read more about Permission resource in Drive API. For "shared" to be true, each file permission needs to specifies a role
, type
, and email address or domain
. As an owner of the file (Docs, Sheets, etc.), you will need to provide the appropriate permission to be set to.
Here is an example, using the Permissions.create (I recommend using Drive API v3)
"role": "reader",
"type": "user",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]"
Response from the Drive Files.get:
"kind": "drive#file",
"mimeType": "application/",
"shared": true
However, if you are unable to switch to the Drive v3, you can still use the Permission.insert from Drive v2 to do the job. Hope this helpful and good luck!
Upvotes: 3
The issue I was having was I did not enable the Google Drive API in my Google developer console and I did not load the 'client' library in order for gapi.client.request() to work properly with Google Picker.
Below is a working example for a user to click a "share" button, authorize permission to their Google Drive, select multiple images or videos from the Picker modal, and return the file hyperlinks with 'anyone with the hyperlink can view' permissions.
The javascript code:
<script type="text/javascript">
// The API key obtained from the Google Developers Console.
var developerKey = '#####';
// The Client ID obtained from the Google Developers Console.
var clientId = "####"
// App ID. (Its the first number in your Client ID)
var appId = "####";
// Scope to use to access user's Drive items.
var scope = [''];
var pickerApiLoaded = false;
var oauthToken;
// Use the Google API Loader script to load the google.picker script.
function onApiLoad() {
gapi.load('auth', {'callback': onAuthApiLoad});
gapi.load('picker:client', {'callback': onPickerApiLoad});
function onAuthApiLoad() {
'client_id': clientId,
'scope': scope,
'immediate': false
function onPickerApiLoad() {
pickerApiLoaded = true;
function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
if (authResult && !authResult.error) {
oauthToken = authResult.access_token;
// Create and render a Picker object
function createPicker() {
if (pickerApiLoaded && oauthToken) {
var view1 = new google.picker.DocsView(google.picker.ViewId.DOCS_IMAGES_AND_VIDEOS)
var picker = new google.picker.PickerBuilder()
// A simple callback implementation.
function pickerCallback(data) {
var doc = "";
var fileID = "";
if (data[google.picker.Response.ACTION] == google.picker.Action.PICKED) {
var gdurl = "";
var type = "anyone";
var role = "reader";
for(var i = 0; i < data[google.picker.Response.DOCUMENTS].length; i++){
doc = data[google.picker.Response.DOCUMENTS][i];
gdurl = gdurl + " " + doc[google.picker.Document.URL];
//change the file permissions to share with anyone with the link
fileID = doc[google.picker.Document.ID];
var request1 = gapi.client.request({
'path': '/drive/v3/files/' + fileID + '/permissions',
'method': 'POST',
'headers': {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + oauthToken
'role': role,
'type': type
request1.execute(function(resp) {
// Form and display the message with hyperlinks included
var message = 'Google Drive media link(s): ' + gdurl;
alert('Success! Here are the hyperlinks for anyone to view: ' + message);
Then the button to call everything in the HTML:
<button onclick="onApiLoad()">Share via Google Drive</button>
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1
Using the answer under this question did it for me: make folder shared google drive api v3?
I applied it to 'file' rather than folder, made the type 'anyone' and role 'reader' - seems to be the equivalent of making the file shared.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 11
The Quickest way to obtain the preview of the file would be to append /preview
at the end of Alternate link.
Like so
You can then share that link to others.
Found this here when i was testing out api requests on the drive api.
Upvotes: 1