Matthew Chang
Matthew Chang

Reputation: 29

kubectl run does not create replicacontroller

I'm newbie of the Kubernetes while I'm using Google Cloud Container. I just follow the tutorials as belows:

In these tutorials, I'll get the replicacontroller after I run the "kubectl run" but there is no replicacontrollers so that I cannot run the command of "kubectl expose rc" in order to open a port.

Here is my result of the commands:

ChangMatthews-MacBook-Pro:frontend changmatthew$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --port=80
deployment "nginx" created

ChangMatthews-MacBook-Pro:frontend changmatthew$ kubectl expose rc nginx --target-port=80 --type=NodePort
Error from server: replicationcontrollers "nginx" not found

Here is my result when I run "kubectl get rc,svc,ingress,deployments,pods":

ChangMatthews-MacBook-Pro:frontend changmatthew$ kubectl get rc,svc,ingress,deployments,pods
NAME                    CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
kubernetes       <none>        443/TCP           12m
NAME                    RULE         BACKEND       ADDRESS           AGE
basic-ingress           -            nginx:80   12m
NAME                    DESIRED      CURRENT       UP-TO-DATE        AVAILABLE   AGE
nginx                   1            1             1                 1           11m
NAME                    READY        STATUS        RESTARTS          AGE
nginx-198147104-zgo7m   1/1          Running       0                 11m

One of my solution is to create yaml file which define the replicacontroller. But is there any way to create replicacontroller via kubectl run command like above tutorials?


Upvotes: 3

Views: 3381

Answers (3)


Reputation: 1

In version 1.15.0, it works as follows.

root@k8smaster ~]# kubectl run guestbook --image=coolguy/k8s_guestbook:1.0 --port=8080 --generator=run/v1
kubectl run --generator=run/v1 is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 or kubectl create
***replicationcontroller/guestbook created***

In version 1.19.0:

[root@k8smaster ~]# kubectl run guestbook --image=dmsong2008/k8s_guestbook:1.0 --port=8080 --generator=run/v1
***Flag --generator has been deprecated, has no effect and will be removed in the future.***
pod/guestbook created

Upvotes: 0

Robert Bailey
Robert Bailey

Reputation: 18230

Now that kubectl run creates a deployment, you specify that the type being exposed in a deployment rather than a replication controller:

kubectl expose deployment nginx --target-port=80 --type=NodePort

Upvotes: 3

Prashanth B
Prashanth B

Reputation: 5133

The team might still be updating the docs to reflect 1.2. Note the output you got:

$ kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --port=80
deployment "nginx" created

kubectl run now creates a deployemtn+replica-set. To view these you can do kubectl get deployment, and get rs respectively. Deployments are essentially a nicer way to perform rolling update server side, but there's a little more to it. See docs:

Upvotes: 1

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