Reputation: 452
I'm trying to analyze a list of albums from a file.There are 22 albums in my list and one of the items in the list is a duplicate and another is not in correct form.I'm supposed to throw two exceptions and print helpful messages on the console.My InputMismatchException is working fine, although my program should continue reading file inputs skipping the album object/line in the list where the exception occurred.Another exception is a DuplicateAlbumException, which is a custom exception.This exception should ignore the duplicate, print a helpful message on the console that mentions that the duplicate has been ignored , and only read the item one time. The following is my txt file that has inputs of albums:top20albums.txt
Led Zeppelin IV 1971
Led Zeppelin II 1969
Fleetwood Mac Rumors 1977
Pink Floyd The Wall 1979
The Clash London Calling 1979
The Beatles Abbey Road 1969
Van Morrison Moondance 1971
Talking Heads Fear of Music 1979
Who Who's Next 1971
The Beatles Rubber Soul 1965
Cure Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me 1987
Violent Femmes Violent Femmes 1982
Pink Floyd The Wall 1979
Soul Coughing Ruby Vroom 1994
James Laid 1993
Liz Phair Exile in Guyville 1993
Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon 1973
Police Zenyatta Mondatta 1980
Led Zeppelin Houses of the Holy 1973
Soul Coughing Irresistable Bliss 1996
Replacements Tim 1985
Expected output:
java AlbumList top20albums.txt
ERROR: Line 5: Invalid input for year. Skipping line
ERROR: Line 14: Duplicate album 'The Wall' by Pink Floyd
Album Rankings from top20albums.txt
Rank Title Artist Year
---- ------------------------------ -------------------- ----
1 IV Led Zeppelin 1971
2 II Led Zeppelin 1969
3 Rumors Fleetwood Mac 1977
4 The Wall Pink Floyd 1979
5 London Calling The Clash 1979
6 Abbey Road The Beatles 1969
7 Moondance Van Morrison 1971
8 Fear of Music Talking Heads 1979
9 Who's Next Who 1971
10 Rubber Soul The Beatles 1965
11 Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me Cure 1987
12 Violent Femmes Violent Femmes 1982
13 Ruby Vroom Soul Coughing 1994
14 Laid James 1993
15 Exile in Guyville Liz Phair 1993
16 Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd 1973
17 Zenyatta Mondatta Police 1980
18 Houses of the Holy Led Zeppelin 1973
19 Irresistible Bliss Soul Coughing 1996
20 Tim Replacements 1985
My output on the eclipse console:
ERROR: Line 5: Invalid input for year. Skipping line.
Rank Title Artist Year
---- ----- ------ -----
1 IV Led Zeppelin 1971
2 II Led Zeppelin 1969
3 Rumors Fleetwood Mac 1977
4 The Wall Pink Floyd 1979
My effort so far is in the following:
class #1
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This Album class has four data fields; String title,String artist,
* int year, int rank.I will be creating an ArrayList of Album object in another class later
* which I will name as AlbumList.This Album class represents each Album o object in the
* top20albums.txt file, where we have 22 albums.
* @author Anonymous
* @version Mar 26, 2016
public class Album
private String title;
private String artist;
private int year;
private int rank;
public Album () {
public Album(String title,String artist,int year,int rank) {
this.title = title;
this.artist = artist;
this.year = year;
this.rank = rank;
public Album(String title,String artist,int year) {
rank = -1;
public String getTitle()
return title;
public String getArtist()
return artist;
public int getYear()
return year;
public int getRank()
return rank;
public void setRank(int rank)
this.rank = rank;
* // ----------------------------------------------------------
* overridden boolean method from the Object class which tests if
* two Album objects have the same artist and title or not.Later based on the
* invokation of the method we will throw the custom DuplicateAlbumException
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if(obj instanceof Album )
return (this.title.equals(((Album)obj).title)) && (this.artist.equals(((Album)obj).artist));
return this == obj;
public String toString() {
return String.format("%-4d %-30s %-20s %-4d", rank,title,artist,year);
class #2
import java.util.*;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This AlbumList class will create ArrayList of Album objects, read inputs from the
* top20Albums.txt file and then analyze the album inputs.It will print album inputs
* on the console in neat columns, throw two exceptions; one is expected to occur at
* line 5 because of the type mismatch, another is expected to occur at line 15 because of
* the album duplication.I will later create a custom DuplicateAlbumException class that
* will throw exception when the Scanner reads the duplicate file and print a helpful
* message on the console.
* @author Anonymous
* @version Mar 26, 2016
public class AlbumList
private List <Album> albums ;
public AlbumList(){
albums = new ArrayList<>();
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* This method reads file input and throws exceptions robustly.
* @param inFile
public void ReadAlbumsFromFile(File inFile) {
int count = 0;
int rank = 1;
try {
Scanner input = new Scanner(inFile);
while (input.hasNext()) {
String artist =;
String title =;
int year = input.nextInt();
Album albumObject = new Album(title,artist,year,rank);
count ++;
// This exception will not occur unless I give it a file input that does not exist.
catch (FileNotFoundException exception)
System.out.println("The file was not found.");
/* This exception works fine.However, the Scanner should continue reading the file
* inputs just skipping the 5th line where the mismatch occur.My program for some reason
* is not printing any more input after skipping the line and that is my problem.
catch (InputMismatchException exception)
System.out.println("ERROR: Line "+(count+1)+": Invalid input for year. Skipping line.");
catch (DuplicateAlbumException exception)
Album object = new Album();
System.out.println("ERROR: Line "+(count+1)+": Duplicate album"+object.getTitle()+" by "+object.getArtist());
// ----------------------------------------------------------
* This DuplicateAlbumException should work fine if the Scanner keeps reading
* even after the mismatch exception occurs, at least that is what it seems
* to me because we are still unable to read line 15 where we expect the duplicate to occur.
* The custom duplicate exception class was already made.
* @param albumObject
* @throws DuplicateAlbumException
public void addAlbum (Album albumObject) throws DuplicateAlbumException {
for(int i =0; i < albums.size();i++) {
if(albums.get(i).equals(albumObject)) {
throw new DuplicateAlbumException(albumObject.getTitle(),albumObject.getArtist());
/* Look that I am adding albumObjects after the catch blocks so IT SHOULD
* continue reading file inputs even after the exception occurs but it is not doing
* so.
public void printAlbums () {
for (int i = 0; i < albums.size(); i++ )
public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception {
/*This is a way to write on the console so that the user can
* write the file name on the runtime console.
if (args.length != 1) {
System.out.println("java AlbumList top20albums.txt ");
AlbumList albumListObject = new AlbumList();
File currentFile = new File(args[0]);
albumListObject.ReadAlbumsFromFile(currentFile) ;
System.out.println("\nRank Title \t\t\t Artist \t\t Year");
System.out.println("---- ----- \t\t\t ------ \t\t -----\n");
class #3
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is my custom exception class.
* @author Anonymous
* @version Mar 26, 2016
public class DuplicateAlbumException extends ArrayStoreException
public DuplicateAlbumException(String title,
String artist) {
super ("Duplicate album" + title+
"by" + artist);
I hope my code blocks have enough information and explanation for you to understand my concern.But i would explicitly say it again: Why my Scanner stopped reading file input after the mismatch exception?
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Views: 520
Reputation: 12346
First of we are going to use a set, because you do not want duplicate albums.
Second we are going to say each line has an album. The reason to do this is because your Scanner will not advance when there is an input missmatch exception. Then you have another problem, where you scanner is not on the next line.
Set<Album> albums = new HashSet<>();
BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader(
inFile.toPath(), Charset.forName("UTF8")
String line;
while((line = reader.readline())!=null){
Scanner input = new Scanner(line);
int rank = 0;
String artist =;
String title =;
int year = input.nextInt();
Album albumObject = new Album(title,artist,year,rank);
} else{
throw new DuplicateAlbumException("album: " + title + " exists");
} catch(InputMissmatchException exc){
//print out an error about a bad line.
} catch(DuplicateAlbumException exc){
//print out an error about a duplicate album.
} catch(IOException e){
//problem with the file
One more thing, your Album class needs to override hashcode.
public int hashCode(){
return title.hashCode() + artist.hashCode();
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1292
The problem is the .nextInt()
is throwing the InputMismatchException
causing the control to go out of the while
loop. Refactor the code to
try {
Scanner input = new Scanner(inFile);
while (input.hasNext()) {
String artist =;
String title =;
int year = input.nextInt();
Album albumObject = new Album(title,artist,year,rank);
count ++;
catch (InputMismatchException exception)
System.out.println("ERROR: Line "+(count+1)+": Invalid input for year. Skipping line.");
// This exception will not occur unless I give it a file input that does not exist.
catch (FileNotFoundException exception)
System.out.println("The file was not found.");
/* This exception works fine.However, the Scanner should continue reading the file
* inputs just skipping the 5th line where the mismatch occur.My program for some reason
* is not printing any more input after skipping the line and that is my problem.
I hope this solves your problem
Upvotes: 2