Reputation: 126
I have a function written in C that i turn into a matlab executible (mex file). The C-function works fine when called once from matlab's command line, however when called 1000+ times in a for-loop it spontaneously crashes. This happens even if I feed it the same input at each iteration of the for-loop.
I am afraid I have a lurking c-bug. some issue with repeated memory allocation but I dont know enough c to fix it :(
I have narrowed the problem down to the WHILE loop in the below code (if the whole while-loop is commented out prior to compiling the problem goes away). Please help!
#include "mex.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int sum_array(double a[], int from ,int to);
// to compile this code in matlab do: mex -v ranksort.c
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){
#define B_OUT plhs[0]
#define A_IN prhs[0]
int i,j,count,M,N; //declare some integers
double *list,*sort_list,*rank_idx,*sort_idx,*ranksOrigOrder;//declare some pointers to doubles which will be allocated dynamically
int *rank_list,*tielocs,*orig_indices;
//set values based on input:
M=mxGetM(A_IN);//get input row num
N=mxGetN(A_IN);//get input col num
if (M>N)
count=M; //get dimensions of A ( must always be in columns)
list =mxGetPr(A_IN); //grab data from pointer to inputted data
sort_list = calloc(count,sizeof(double)); //allocate size and fill w/zeros all my 'double' arrays
rank_idx =calloc(count,sizeof(double));
tielocs =calloc(count+2,sizeof(double));
orig_indices=calloc(count,sizeof(int)); //allocate size and fill w/ zeros all my 'int' arrays
rank_list =calloc(count,sizeof(int));
if (sort_list==NULL||tielocs==NULL||rank_list==NULL||orig_indices==NULL||ranksOrigOrder==NULL||rank_idx==NULL||list==NULL){ puts ("Error (re)allocating memory"); exit (1); }
B_OUT = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(M, N, mxREAL); //create a matlab-style struct for output...
ranksOrigOrder = mxGetPr(B_OUT); // set in-code variable to its pointer
/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CODE BODY STARTS HERE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
/*Calculate the rank for each element in the arr_list*/
for(i=0; i<count; i++){
for(j=0; j<i; j++){
if(list[i] >= list[j])
for(i=0; i<count; i++){
sort_list[rank_list[i]] = list[i];
orig_indices[rank_list[i]] =i;
int tiesIdx=0; int *ties = NULL;
for (i=0; i<count-1;i++){
if (sort_list[i]>= sort_list[i+1]){
ties = (int*) realloc (ties, (tiesIdx) *sizeof(int)); //reallocate size of array
if (ties==NULL){ puts ("Error (re)allocating memory"); exit (1); }
ties[tiesIdx]=i; //add location of tie to newly grown array
tiesIdx++; //found a tie
// // append 2 after last element to ties
ties = (int*) realloc (ties, (tiesIdx) * sizeof(int));
//reallocate size of array
if (ties==NULL){ puts ("Error (re)allocating memory"); exit (1); }
int tiecount=0; //step thru all the found ties
// NO IN-LOOP CRASHING if this while loop is commented out....
while (tiecount<tiesIdx){
int tiestart =ties[tiecount]; //grab this tie to check if it is one of a pair or a member of an island of consecutives
int ntied=2;
while (ties[tiecount+1] == ties[tiecount] + 1){ //while it's a consecutive one...
double mysum = (double)sum_array(sort_idx,tiestart,tiestart+ntied)/(double)ntied;
for (int t=tiestart; t<tiestart+ntied;t++){
for (i=0; i<count;i++){
int sum_array(double a[], int from ,int to){
int i, sum=0;
for (i=from; i<to; i++){
sum = sum + (int)a[i];
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Views: 108
Reputation: 16243
Take a look at this chunk of code:
// // append 2 after last element to ties
ties = (int*) realloc (ties, (tiesIdx) * sizeof(int));
//reallocate size of array
if (ties==NULL){ puts ("Error (re)allocating memory"); exit (1); }
int tiecount=0; //step thru all the found ties
// NO IN-LOOP CRASHING if this while loop is commented out....
while (tiecount<tiesIdx){
Your are re-allocating space for tiesIdx
element, and a little after you want to access tiesIdx
position of the ties
array. This is Undefined Behaviour because of your array have to be indexed from 0 to tiesIdx-1
After that you inc tiesIdx
by 1 and then perform a loop on that incremented var, that is obviously Undefined Behaviour because you will index array out of bounds.
Furthermore the inner loop:
while (ties[tiecount+1] == ties[tiecount] + 1){ //while it's a consecutive one...
is not checking for array bounds: if all elements of ties are consecutive you'll index the array out of bounds.
NOTE: You have a memory leakage on ranksOrigOrder
that it is not free()
Upvotes: 1