Reputation: 411
I reformatted some code I found to use cardinal splines and draw a curve given a set of points to work with my Canvas library, which works quite nicely, but then I wanted to also use said technique to move objects along a given set of points -- a path. SO had several questions pertaining to my problem, and I've tried to implement the last answer of this question, but I honestly have no idea what half the variables in his code mean. Here's my library, and the curve object by itself:
constructor: function (options) {
// Declare variables for brevity.
var extend = Art.prototype.modules.utility.extend,
defaults = {
points: [],
tension: 0.5,
closed: false
// Extend the object with the defaults overwritten by the options.
extend(this, extend(defaults, options));
id: 'curve',
draw: function () {
// Declare variables for brevity.
var t = this,
graphics =,
controls = [],
n = t.points.length,
getControlPoints = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, tension) {
var x = {
x: Math.sqrt(Math.pow(c - a, 2) + Math.pow(d - b, 2)),
y: Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e - c, 2) + Math.pow(f - d, 2))
var y = {
x: tension * x.x / (x.x + x.y)
y.y = tension - y.x;
var z = {
x: c + y.x * (a - e),
y: d + y.x * (b - f)
var $z = {
x: c - y.y * (a - e),
y: d - y.y * (b - f)
return [z.x, z.y, $z.x, $z.y];
graphics.strokeStyle = t.stroke;
graphics.lineWidth = t.lineWidth;
if (t.closed) {
t.points.push(t.points[0], t.points[1], t.points[2], t.points[3]);
t.points.unshift(t.points[n - 1]);
t.points.unshift(t.points[n - 1]);
for (var p = 0; p < n; p += 2) {
controls = controls.concat(getControlPoints(t.points[p], t.points[p + 1], t.points[p + 2], t.points[p + 3], t.points[p + 4], t.points[p + 5], t.tension));
controls = controls.concat(controls[0], controls[1]);
for (var $p = 2; $p < n + 2; $p += 2) {
graphics.moveTo(t.points[$p], t.points[$p + 1]);
graphics.bezierCurveTo(controls[2 * $p - 2], controls[2 * $p - 1], controls[2 * $p], controls[2 * $p + 1], t.points[$p + 2], t.points[$p + 3]);
} else {
for (var p = 0; p < n - 4; p += 2) {
controls = controls.concat(getControlPoints(t.points[p], t.points[p + 1], t.points[p + 2], t.points[p + 3], t.points[p + 4], t.points[p + 5], t.tension));
for (var $p = 2; $p < t.points.length - 5; $p += 2) {
graphics.moveTo(t.points[$p], t.points[$p + 1]);
graphics.bezierCurveTo(controls[2 * $p - 2], controls[2 * $p - 1], controls[2 * $p], controls[2 * $p + 1], t.points[$p + 2], t.points[$p + 3]);
graphics.moveTo(t.points[0], t.points[1]);
graphics.quadraticCurveTo(controls[0], controls[1], t.points[2], t.points[3]);
graphics.moveTo(t.points[n - 2], t.points[n - 1]);
graphics.quadraticCurveTo(controls[2 * n - 10], controls[2 * n - 9], t.points[n - 4], t.points[n - 3]);
return this;
I don't necessarily want the code handed to me on a silver platter (although... that would be nice) -- rather, I want to learn the math involved, but preferably in psuedocode and in relatively simple terms. An explanation of the SO answer I linked to would be especially helpful, as it works nicely.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1296
Using an alternative implementation ( disclaimer: I'm the author) will produce all points along the path that you need in a simple way.
After obtaining the points as a spline point array, the main function will iterate over the array to find the segment the two points the desired position is between. Next it will interpolate between those to get a final (x,y) position (there is plenty of room for optimization here):
This allows us to move along the spline with an even speed -
function getXY(points, pos, length) {
var len = 0, // total length so far
lastLen, // last segment length
i, // iterator
l = points.length; // length of point array
// find segment
for(i = 2; i < l; i += 2) {
// calculate length of this segment
lastLen = dist(points[i], points[i+1], points[i-2], points[i-1]);
// add to total length for now
len += lastLen;
// are we inside a segment?
if (pos < len && lastLen) {
len -= lastLen; // to back to beginning
pos -= len; // adjust position so we can normalize
return {
// interpolate prev X + (next X - prev X) * normalized
x: points[i-2] + (points[i] - points[i-2]) * (pos / lastLen),
y: points[i-1] + (points[i+1] - points[i-1]) * (pos / lastLen)
var ctx = document.querySelector("canvas").getContext("2d"),
points = [
10, 10, // x,y pairs
100, 50,
500, 100,
600, 200,
400, 220,
200, 90
spline = getCurvePoints(points),
length = getLength(spline),
t = 0,
dx = 3; // number of pixels to move object
// move along path:
(function loop() {
// make t ping-pong, and clamp t to [0, (length-1)]
t += dx;
if (t < 0 || t >= length) dx = -dx;
t = Math.max(0, Math.min(length - 1, t));
// find segment in points which t is inside:
var pos = getXY(spline, t, length);
// redraw
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
// show marker
ctx.fillRect(pos.x - 3, pos.y - 3, 6, 6);
function render(points) {
ctx.moveTo(spline[0], spline[1]);
for(var i = 2; i < spline.length; i+=2)
ctx.lineTo(spline[i], spline[i+1]);
function getXY(points, pos, length) {
var len = 0, lastLen, i, l = points.length;
// find segment
for(i = 2; i < l; i += 2) {
lastLen = dist(points[i], points[i+1], points[i-2], points[i-1]);
len += lastLen;
if (pos < len && lastLen) {
len -= lastLen;
pos -= len;
return {
x: points[i-2] + (points[i] - points[i-2]) * (pos / lastLen),
y: points[i-1] + (points[i+1] - points[i-1]) * (pos / lastLen)
return null
function getLength(points) {
for(var len = 0, i = 0, dx, dy; i < points.length - 2; i+=2) {
len += dist(points[i+2], points[i+3], points[i], points[i+1])
return len
function dist(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
var dx = x2 - x1,
dy = y2 - y1;
return Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
Upvotes: 1