Henry Fané
Henry Fané

Reputation: 103

How to drag an item outside a ListView in QML

I am developing a QML application which basically contains two ListView. I would like to copy a QML item from one ListView to another. I tried to handle this by setting Drag property in the delegate but the item cannot go outside the view when I drag the item, I think the Flickable container handles mouse events.
So, I want to try the following:

This solution seems to me a little complicated, so do you have a better way to achieve this ?

This was a bad idea and too much complicated. I think I got a way to achieve this:

So, I missed the point that set the parent should solve my problem.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 5027

Answers (1)


Reputation: 7170

Next code is just an idea, but the key is to have a MouseArea inside a delegate for the first ListView so the user can drag the items and drop them into a DropArea which belongs to the second ListView.

In this example, model is very simple, just a number. And when the item is dropped, it is removed from the first ListView:


Just remove that line of code to copy the item instead of removing.


import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Window 2.2

Window {
    visible: true
    width: 600
    height: 600

    Rectangle {
        id: root
        width: 400
        height: 400

        ListView {
            id: listView
            width: parent.width / 2
            height: parent.height

            property int dragItemIndex: -1

            model: ListModel {
                Component.onCompleted: {
                    for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
                        append({value: i});

            delegate: Item {
                id: delegateItem
                width: listView.width
                height: 50

                Rectangle {
                    id: dragRect
                    width: listView.width
                    height: 50
                    anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    color: "salmon"
                    border.color: Qt.darker(color)

                    Text {
                        anchors.centerIn: parent
                        text: modelData

                    MouseArea {
                        id: mouseArea
                        anchors.fill: parent
                        drag.target: dragRect

                        drag.onActiveChanged: {
                            if (mouseArea.drag.active) {
                                listView.dragItemIndex = index;

                    states: [
                        State {
                            when: dragRect.Drag.active
                            ParentChange {
                                target: dragRect
                                parent: root

                            AnchorChanges {
                                target: dragRect
                                anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined
                                anchors.verticalCenter: undefined

                    Drag.active: mouseArea.drag.active
                    Drag.hotSpot.x: dragRect.width / 2
                    Drag.hotSpot.y: dragRect.height / 2

        ListView {
            id: listView2
            width: parent.width / 2
            height: parent.height
            anchors.right: parent.right

            property int dragItemIndex: -1

            DropArea {
                id: dropArea
                anchors.fill: parent
                onDropped: {
                    listView.dragItemIndex = -1;

            model: ListModel {
                Component.onCompleted: {
                    for (var i = 0; i < 1; ++i) {
                        append({value: i});

            delegate: Item {
                id: delegateItem2
                width: listView2.width
                height: 50

                Rectangle {
                    id: dragRect2
                    width: listView2.width
                    height: 50
                    anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    color: "salmon"
                    border.color: Qt.darker(color)

                    Text {
                        anchors.centerIn: parent
                        text: modelData

Upvotes: 3

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