Reputation: 37
I am currently working on a script, that loads a TIF file into a raster object, crops it and plots two points (starting point and point of destination; selected via the click
-function) into that raster. I then want it to get the cell numbers of those two points. All of that hasn't caused any trouble but now I have tried to write a while-Loop which gets me the number of a random cell (which is adjacent to the current cell; beginning from the starting point) until that cell number equals the cell number of my point of destination. My idea behind that was to "walk" across the raster until I have reached my point of destination or at least the column containing it (to reduce computation time). The numbers of the cells i cross during that walk should be stored in a vector ("Path"). I select the adjacent cell (=choose my next step) by randomly sampling from a vector that contains numbers that, when added to the current cell number, lead to the number of an adjacent cell. I have multiple vectors from which to sample as the number of possible directions in which to "walk" differs depending on the position of the current cell (e.g. I can't "walk" to the cell to my lower rigth (=n + (ncol_dispersal + 1
) if I am currently positioned at the bottom of the raster). The script looks like this so far:
setwd("C:/Users/Giaco/Dropbox/Random Walk")
altdata <- raster("altitude.tif")
e <- extent(92760.79,93345.79,204017.5,204242.5)
dispersal_area <- crop(altdata,e)
Pts <- matrix(c(92790.79,204137.5,93300.79,204062.5),nrow=2,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
Start <- cellFromXY(dispersal_area,Pts[1,])
End <- cellFromXY(dispersal_area,Pts[2,])
nrow_dispersal <- nrow(dispersal_area)
ncol_dispersal <- ncol(dispersal_area)
col_start <- colFromCell(dispersal_area,Start)
row_start <- rowFromCell(dispersal_area,Start)
col_end <- colFromCell(dispersal_area,End)
row_end <- rowFromCell(dispersal_area,End)
upper_left_corner <- cellFromRowCol(dispersal_area,1,1)
lower_left_corner <- cellFromRowCol(dispersal_area,14,1)
sample_standard <- c(1,(ncol_dispersal+1),(ncol_dispersal*-1+1))
sample_top <- c(1,ncol_dispersal,(ncol_dispersal+1))
sample_bottom <- c(1,(ncol_dispersal*-1+1),(ncol_dispersal*-1))
sample_left <- c(1,(ncol_dispersal+1),(ncol_dispersal*-1+1))
sample_upper_left <- c(1,ncol_dispersal,(ncol_dispersal+1))
sample_lower_left <- c(1,(ncol_dispersal*-1+1),(ncol_dispersal*-1))
Path <- c()
Path[1] <- Start
n <- Start
counter <- 1
while (n != End)
n = Start+sample(sample_standard,1)
if (colFromCell(dispersal_area,n)==col_end) {
} else if (n==upper_left_corner) {
n = n+sample(sample_upper_left,1)
} else if(n==lower_left_corner){
n = n+sample(sample_lower_left,1)
} else if(colFromCell(dispersal_area,n)==1) {
n = n+sample(sample_left,1)
} else if(rowFromCell(dispersal_area,n)==1){
n = n+sample(sample_top,1)
} else if(rowFromCell(dispersal_area,n)==nrow_dispersal) {
n = n+sample(sample_bottom,1)
counter <- counter+1
Path[counter] <- n
When I run the script and print the path vector it returns a veeerryy long vector (I always have to stop it as it never finishes computing) which contains only a few different numbers. Why is that ? I have been staring at this all day but I simply can't figure out where i went wrong. There must be something wrong with the while Loop but I don't see it. If anyone of you guys could help me out with this I would be really really thankful. Thanks in advance !
Upvotes: 0
Views: 337
Reputation: 47601
Here is a simple and reproducible example (that also answers your question).
r <- raster(system.file("external/maungawhau.grd", package="gdistance"))
r <- aggregate(r, 5)
p <- matrix(c(2667531, 6478843, 2667731, 6479227), ncol=2, byrow=TRUE)
start <- cellFromXY(r, p[1,])
end <- cellFromXY(r, p[2,])
counter <- 1
cell <- start
path <- cell
while (cell != end) {
a <- adjacent(r, cell, pairs=F)
cell <- sample(a, 1)
path <- c(path, cell)
xy <- xyFromCell(r, path)
cols <- rainbow(nrow(xy))
for (i in 1:nrow(xy)-1) { lines(xy[i:(i+1), ], col=cols[i]) }
This is pretty fast on this coarse raster, but it could indeed take a very long time to reach a particular cell on a large raster by random walk.
Perhaps there are function in gdistance
that are more useful?
Upvotes: 2