Reputation: 51
I have many strings in the format Topic/Subtopic
. I need to separate both of them and store the results of topic and subtopic into different arrays.
My code is:
Dim strText() As String
Dim seperate As Variant
i = QB_StartCell '4
ReDim strText(1 To 25)
'collecting all the types in an array
Do While Worksheets("QB").Cells(i, QB_Thema).Value <> "" 'QB_Thema is a column number
strText(i) = Worksheets("QB").Cells(i, QB_Thema).Value
MsgBox strText(i)
i = i + 1
noThema = i - QB_StartCell
'splitting all the types into 2 parts
seperate = Split(strText(p), "/")
Loop Until p > noThema
Now I want both the splitted parts in separate Arrays as I want to access them later. Any help?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1362
Reputation: 29421
There's no need to iterate twice, first through cells and then through array.
You can make it in one iteration like this:
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim i As Long, lastRow As Long, nonBlankCellsNumber As Long
Dim QB_Thema As Long, QB_StartCell As Long
Dim cell As Range
Dim topicArr() As String, subTopicArr() As String
QB_Thema = 3 'added this for my test
QB_StartCell = 4
lastRow = GetLastRow(Worksheets("QB"), QB_Thema, "F", QB_StartCell) '<== I assumed as per your code that you stop at the first occurrence of a blank cell. should you want to process all non blank data to the last non blank cell, then use "L" as the 3rd argument of this call
If lastRow = -1 Then Exit Sub
With Worksheets("QB")
With .Range(.Cells(QB_StartCell, QB_Thema), .Cells(lastRow, QB_Thema))
nonBlankCellsNumber = WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells)
ReDim topicArr(1 To nonBlankCellsNumber)
ReDim subTopicArr(1 To nonBlankCellsNumber)
i = 0
For Each cell In .Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues)
i = i + 1
topicArr(i) = Split(cell.value, "/")(0)
subTopicArr(i) = Split(cell.value, "/")(1)
Next cell
End With
End With
End Sub
Function GetLastRow(sht As Worksheet, columnIndex As Long, FirstOrLastBlank As String, Optional firstRow As Variant) As Long
If IsMissing(firstRow) Then firstRow = 1
With sht
If FirstOrLastBlank = "F" Then
With .Cells(firstRow, columnIndex)
If .value = "" Then
GetLastRow = .End(xlDown).End(xlDown).row
GetLastRow = .End(xlDown).row
End If
End With
If GetLastRow = .Rows.count And .Cells(GetLastRow, columnIndex) = "" Then GetLastRow = firstRow
ElseIf FirstOrLastBlank = "F" Then
GetLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.count, columnIndex).End(xlUp).row
If GetLastRow < firstRow Then GetLastRow = firstRow
MsgBox "invalid 'FirstOrLastBlank' parameter"
GetLastRow = -1
End If
End With
End Function
As you see I also posted Function GetLastRow()
to get the last row index of data to scan.
As per your code I got you want to start at row 4 and stop at the first blank cell (excluded), and so I tuned the arguments (namely the 3rd one: "F"
) in the call to GetLastRow
Instead, should you want to scan all non-blank cells in the given column, then you may call the same GetLastRow
function passing "L"
as 3rd parameter.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 10226
2 solutions : one 2D array or two 1D array
Dim arr_Multi(noThema, 2) As String
Dim arr_Topic(noThema) As String
Dim arr_SubTopic(noThema) As String
seperate = Split(strText(p), "/")
' Choose either storage in one 2D array
arr_Multi(p, 0) = seperate(0)
arr_Multi(p, 1) = seperate(1)
' or storage in two 1D arrays
arr_Topic(p) = seperate(0)
arr_SubTopic(p) = seperate(1)
p = p + 1 ' and don't forget to increment your counter in the loop
Loop Until p > noThema
If you need your array(s) outside the sub, then you should declare them like this on top of your module:
Dim arr_Multi(1, 2) As String
Dim arr_Topic(1) As String
Dim arr_SubTopic(1) As String
And in your loop you do a redim preserve
of your array(s) before incrementing p
' Either
redim preserve arr_Multi(p, 2)
redim preserve arr_Topic(p)
redim preserve arr_SubTopic(p)
Upvotes: 1