
Reputation: 229541

How are JavaScript arrays implemented?

Namely, how does the following code:

var sup = new Array(5);
sup[0] = 'z3ero';
sup[1] = 'o3ne';
sup[4] = 'f3our';
document.write(sup.length + "<br />");

output '5' for the length, when all you've done is set various elements?

My 'problem' with this code is that I don't understand how length changes without calling a getLength() or a setLength() method. When I do any of the following:

a.length = 4
a['length'] = 5

on a non-array object, it behaves like a dict / associative array. When I do this on the array object, it has special meaning. What mechanism in JavaScript allows this to happen? Does JavaScript have some type of property system which translates


into "get" methods and

a.length = 4
a['length'] = 5

into "set" methods?

Upvotes: 44

Views: 26260

Answers (8)


Reputation: 26706

This really depends on what you intend to do with it.

[].length is "magical".
It doesn't actually return the number of items in the array. It returns the largest instated index in the array.

var testArr = [];  testArr[5000] = "something";  testArr.length; // 5001

But the method behind the setter is hidden in the engine itself.
Some engines in some browsers will give you access to their implementations of those magic-methods. Others will keep everything completely locked down.

So don't rely on defineGetter and defineSetter methods, or even, really, __proto__ methods, unless you know which browsers you know you're targeting, and which you aren't.

This will change in the future, where opt-in applications written in ECMAScript Next/6 will have access to more.

ECMAScript 5-compliant browsers are already starting to offer get and set magic methods in objects and there's more to come... ...but it's probably a while away before you can dump support for oldIE and a tonne of smartphones, et cetera...

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 532615

Everything in JavaScript is an object. In the case of an Array, the length property returns the size of the internal storage area for indexed items of the array. Some of the confusion may come into play in that the [] operator works for both numeric and string arguments. For an array, if you use it with a numeric index, it returns/sets the expected indexed item. If you use it with a string, it returns/sets the named property on the array object - unless the string corresponds to a numeric value, then it returns the indexed item. This is because in JavaScript array indexes are coerced to strings by an implicit toString() call. Frankly, this is just one more of those things that makes you scratch your head and say "JavaScript, this, this is why they laugh at you."

The actual underlying representation may differ between browsers (or it may not). I wouldn't rely on anything other than the interface that is supplied when working with it.

You can find out more about JavaScript arrays at MDN.

Upvotes: 29

Samyak Jain
Samyak Jain

Reputation: 922

Characteristics of a JavaScript array

  1. Dynamic - Arrays in JavaScript can grow dynamically .push
  2. Can be sparse - for example, array[50000] = 2;
  3. Can be dense - for example, array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

In JavaScript, it is hard for the runtime to know whether the array is going to be dense or sparse. So all it can do is take a guess. All implementations use a heuristic to determine if the array is dense or sparse.

For example, code in point 2 above, can indicate to the JavaScript runtime that this is likely a sparse array implementation. If the array is initialised with an initial count, this could indicate that this is likely a dense array.

When the runtime detects that the array is sparse, it is implemented in a similar way to an object. So instead of maintaining a contiguous array, a key/value map is built.

For more references, see How are JavaScript arrays implemented internally?

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 71

As other people have mentioned, a property in JavaScript can basically act as both as getter and a setter of your array (or string or other inputs).

As a matter of fact, you might try this yourself:

const test = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
test.length = 3
console.log(test) // [1, 2, 3]
test.length = 5
console.log(test) // Guess what happens here!

As far as I know, arrays in JavaScript do not work exactly like associative arrays and you have elements which are put in memory as contiguously as possible (given that you can have arrays of mixed objects), depending on the JavaScript engine you are considering.

As a side note, I am a bit baffled that the most voted answer keeps spreading the over-simplified myth (or half-truth) of "everything being an object in JavaScript"; that is not exactly true, otherwise you will never study primitives, for example.

Try to do this:

const pippi = "pippi" = "cat"
console.log( // Will it work? Throw an error? Guess why again

Spoiler: the string is wrapped in a throwaway object for that specific operation on the second line, and then in the following one you are just going to access a property of the primitive which is not there (provided you did not play with String.prototype or the like), so you get undefined.

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 229541

To add to tvanfosson's answer: In ECMA-262 (the 3.0 specification, I believe), arrays are simply defined as having this behavior for setting properties (See There's no general mechanism underlying it (at least as of now) - this is just how it's defined, and how JavaScript interpreters must behave.

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 692

It is important to know that when you do sup['look'] = 4; you are not using an associative array, but rather modify properties on the object sup.

It is equivalent to sup.look = 4; since you can dynamically add properties on JavaScript objects at any time. sup['length'] would for an instance output 5 in your first example.

Upvotes: 2

Niko Bellic
Niko Bellic

Reputation: 2550

A JavaScript array is an object just like any other object, but JavaScript gives it special syntax.

arr[5] = "yo"

The above is syntactic sugar for


which is how you would add stuff to a regular object. It's what is inside the insert method that changes the value of arr.length

See my implementation of a customArray type here:

Upvotes: 0

Eugene Yokota
Eugene Yokota

Reputation: 95664

Array object inherits caller, constructor, length, and name properties from Function.prototype.

Upvotes: 1

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