Reputation: 67
I'm trying to run a test program the prof gave us for 64- bit assembly, and it's not worker properly.
the error is: error LNK2017: 'ADDR32' relocation to 'naturals' invalid without /LARGEADDRESSAWARE:NO fatal error LNK1165: link failed because of fixup errors
The code is:
; no need for .386, .586, .MODEL directives in 64-bit programs
sentence BYTE "Now is the winter of our discontent", 0h
firstWord BYTE 20 DUP (?)
space BYTE ' '
naturals QWORD 10 DUP (?)
sum QWORD ?
main proc
; test out our getFirstWord procedure
; the second argument
mov rax, offset firstWord
push rax
; the first argument
mov rax, offset sentence
push rax
call getFirstWord
; initialize our 'naturals' array
mov rcx, 1
mov rdi, 0
mov naturals[rdi*8], rcx
inc rcx
cmp rcx, 10
jg initializationComplete
inc rdi
jmp nextNumber
; test out our sumArray procedure
; second argument (number of elements in array)
mov rax, 10
push rax
; first argument (array address, alternative to offset)
lea rax, naturals
push rax
call sumArray
; store the result in memory
mov sum, rax
; exit
mov rax, 0
main endp
getFirstWord proc
;pop rax ; address of sentence
;pop rbx ; address of firstWord
mov rax, [esp+8]
mov rbx, [esp+16]
mov rcx, 0
mov cl, [space]
cmp [rax], byte ptr 0 ; check for a null-terminator in the sentence
je allDone
cmp cl, [rax] ; check for a space in the sentence
je nullTerminate
mov dl, [rax] ; copy the current character
mov [rbx], dl
inc rax
inc rbx
jmp nextCharacter
inc rbx
mov byte ptr [rbx], 0
ret 16
getFirstWord endp
sumArray proc
; get the address of the array
mov rax, [rsp+8]
; get the number of elements in the array
mov rcx, [rsp+16]
xor rbx, rbx ; initialize sum to zero
xor rsi, rsi ; initialize counter to zero
add rbx, [rax]
add rax, 8
inc rsi
cmp rsi, rcx
je finishedSum
jmp nextArrayElement
mov rax, rbx
ret 16
sumArray endp
I tried setting LARGEADDRESSAWARE to NO, and the program will compile and build, but there's no output. Is there not suppose to be any output and it just needs to run? Or is that setting screwing something up? I also tried changing how naturals is moved, but the only thing that somewhat worked was changing the address setting.
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