
Reputation: 1337

How to pass parameters to scrapy spiders in program?

I am a newbie of python and scrapy. I used the method in this blog Running multiple scrapy spiders programmatically to run my spiders in a flask app.Here is the code:

# list of crawlers
TO_CRAWL = [DmozSpider, EPGDspider, GDSpider]

# crawlers that are running 

def spider_closing(spider):
    Activates on spider closed signal
    log.msg("Spider closed: %s" % spider, level=log.INFO)

# start logger

# set up the crawler and start to crawl one spider at a time
for spider in TO_CRAWL:
    settings = Settings()

    # crawl responsibly
    settings.set("USER_AGENT", "Kiran Koduru (+")
    crawler = Crawler(settings)
    crawler_obj = spider()

    # stop reactor when spider closes
    crawler.signals.connect(spider_closing, signal=signals.spider_closed)

# blocks process; so always keep as the last statement

Here is my spiders code:

class EPGDspider(scrapy.Spider):
name = "EPGD"
allowed_domains = [""]
term = "man"
start_urls = [""+term+"&submit=Feeling+Lucky"]
MONGODB_DB = name + "_" + term
MONGODB_COLLECTION = name + "_" + term

def parse(self, response):
    sel = Selector(response)
    sites = sel.xpath('//tr[@class="odd"]|//tr[@class="even"]')
    url_list = []
    base_url = ""

    for site in sites:
        item = EPGD()
        item['genID'] = map(unicode.strip, site.xpath('td[1]/a/text()').extract())
        item['genID_url'] = base_url+map(unicode.strip, site.xpath('td[1]/a/@href').extract())[0][2:]
        item['taxID'] = map(unicode.strip, site.xpath('td[2]/a/text()').extract())
        item['taxID_url'] = map(unicode.strip, site.xpath('td[2]/a/@href').extract())
        item['familyID'] = map(unicode.strip, site.xpath('td[3]/a/text()').extract())
        item['familyID_url'] = base_url+map(unicode.strip, site.xpath('td[3]/a/@href').extract())[0][2:]
        item['chromosome'] = map(unicode.strip, site.xpath('td[4]/text()').extract())
        item['symbol'] = map(unicode.strip, site.xpath('td[5]/text()').extract())
        item['description'] = map(unicode.strip, site.xpath('td[6]/text()').extract())
        yield item

    sel_tmp = Selector(response)
    link = sel_tmp.xpath('//span[@id="quickPage"]')

    for site in link:

    for i in range(len(url_list[0])):
        if cmp(url_list[0][i], "#") == 0:
            if i+1 < len(url_list[0]):
                print url_list[0][i+1]
                actual_url = ""+ url_list[0][i+1]
                yield Request(actual_url, callback=self.parse)
                print "The index is out of range!"

As you can see, there is a parameter term = 'man' in my code, and it's part of my start urls. I don't want this parameter to be fixed, so I wonder how can I give the start url or the parameter term dynamically in my program? Just like running a spider in command line there is a way can pass parameter as below:

class MySpider(BaseSpider):

    name = 'my_spider'    

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): 
      super(MySpider, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) 

      self.start_urls = [kwargs.get('start_url')] 
And start it like: scrapy crawl my_spider -a start_url="http://some_url"

Can anybody tell me how to deal with this?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 7951

Answers (1)

paul trmbrth
paul trmbrth

Reputation: 20748

First of all, to run multiple spiders in a script, the recommended way is to use scrapy.crawler.CrawlerProcess, where you pass spider classes and not spider instances.

To pass arguments to your spider with CrawlerProcess, you just have to add the arguments to the .crawl() call, after the spider subclass, e.g.

    process.crawl(DmozSpider, term='someterm', someotherterm='anotherterm')

Arguments passed this way are then available as spider attributes (same as with -a term=someterm on the command line)

Finally, instead of building start_urls in __init__, you can achieve the same with start_requests, and you can build initial requests like this, using self.term:

def start_requests(self):
    yield Request(""

Upvotes: 13

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