Reputation: 17565
I would like to replace some items in a file, based on some regular expressions. In order to do that:
When all this is finished, I try to delete the file (in order to recreate it again with the replaced lines).
For some reason this does not work: it seems that Java keeps a handle on that file, even after the BufferedReader has been closed.
Does anybody have a solution for this (newbie) question?
Code excerpt:
Pattern oDatePattern = Pattern.compile("at \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2} "); // meaning: "at xx:xx:xx"
Pattern oTimePattern = Pattern.compile("Kernel time [0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+ User time: [0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+"); // "[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+" stands for any floating point number
Pattern oMemoryPattern = Pattern.compile("\\([0-9,A-F]*\\)"); // "[0-9,A-F]*" stands for any hexadecimal number
Matcher oDateMatcher;
Matcher oTimeMatcher;
Matcher oMemoryMatcher;
List<String> sLog_Content = new ArrayList<String>();
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(sLp_LogFile));
try {
String sLine = br.readLine();
while (sLine != null) {
System.out.println("ORIG : " + sLine);
oDateMatcher = oDatePattern.matcher(sLine);
sLine = oDateMatcher.replaceAll("at <timestamp> ");
oTimeMatcher = oTimePattern.matcher(sLine);
sLine = oTimeMatcher.replaceAll("Kernel time <Kernel_Time_usage> User time: <User_Time_usage>");
oMemoryMatcher = oMemoryPattern.matcher(sLine);
sLine = oMemoryMatcher.replaceAll("<Memory_Address>");
System.out.println("REPL : " + sLine);
sLine = br.readLine();
} finally {
System.out.println("All lines are read and regex replaced, try to delete the file");
File tst_File = new File(sLp_LogFile);
if (tst_File.exists()) {
System.out.println(sLp_LogFile + " exists");
} else {
System.out.println(sLp_LogFile + " does not exist");
if (tst_File.delete()) {
System.out.println(sLp_LogFile + " is deleted");
} else {
System.out.println(sLp_LogFile + " is not deleted");
Output logs:
ORIG : Reading buffer 1 (0000000002ED0070) at 15:40:44 (index 125999, size 4410000 lines 126000, total lines read 126000)
REPL : Reading buffer 1 <Memory_Address> at <timestamp> (index 125999, size 4410000 lines 126000, total lines read 126000)
ORIG : Sending buffer 1 (0000000002ED0070) at 15:40:44 (index 125999, size 4410000, lines 126000, total lines sent 126000)
REPL : Sending buffer 1 <Memory_Address> at <timestamp> (index 125999, size 4410000, lines 126000, total lines sent 126000)
ORIG : Kernel time 0.2808 User time: 0.312
REPL : Kernel time <Kernel_Time_usage> User time: <User_Time_usage>
All lines are read and regex replaced, try to delete the file
D:\Logfile_lp.log exists
D:\Logfile_lp.log is not deleted
Upvotes: 2
Views: 165
Reputation: 113
I'm a beginner, I do not know as much things as you. But if I am right you should save your changes first a temp file. Afterwards you will read again the temp file and later you'll write to your real file. I hope my comment will help you.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 17565
Good afternoon,
I would like to thank you all for having searched for a solution of this problem. Unfortunately the problem is not Java based: the file I'm trying to write to is created by a redirection cmd /c <program>.exe >> <output>.log
, and it seems that Windows has not fully flushed the output buffer towards the output file, creating the problem.
I am currently using following (very dirty) work-around for this issue:
boolean bFile_can_be_opened = false;
while (!bFile_can_be_opened) {
try {
fwLog2 = new FileWriter(sLp_LogFile, true);
bFile_can_be_opened = true;
catch (Exception e)
Further information on this issue can be found under the following new StackOverflow question: How to release a file, locked by the application, in Java
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 8359
I see no issues in your code.
Seemingly closing the BufferReader
ensure the file is closed. (cf this response).
Maybe you can give a try to Files.delete
cf this response.
It will give more information about the deletion fail by throwing different exceptions.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 719576
One possible explanation is that your application has the file open somewhere else.
Or it could be another application that has the file open.
Or maybe the application / user has permission to read the file but not to delete it.
I concur with the suggestion of using Files.delete
Upvotes: 3